Aftershow [Fluff]

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The crowd erupted into cheers and claps, its sound echoing around the ornate stadium. The pride in your chest got bigger, did Panem really like your singing this much? Roses were thrown from the audience to you, deocrating the stage perfectly.

Noticing your Husband - The president - stating back at you with a sly grin. He always had girls on his private lookout room to the auditorium. You didn't care, as you were the one he chose.

Then, you look back to the audience and bow. "Thank you, all of you!" You happily say, before scampering off the stage and to the area behind.


A hand ran down your calf, eventually finding the zipper to your high heels. All you could see bellow you was beautiful, curly hair bleached. You were glad he grew them out again. The sound of the zipper undoing brought you back to reality, before feeling the tight embrace of the shoes leaving your feet.

Icy blue eyes met yours, and he kneeled infront of you. Even though he was the tyrannical leader of Panem, he had a soft spot for you. He made sure everything he ever did was okay with you. Infact, he was scared to displease you. He was scared to loose another person he loved dearly, even though he never loved Lucy Gray. He had realised he was obsessing over her, not loving her. Yet, he strived to be different with you, to be gentle and loving. To be attached but not too attached. To be just right.

He spoke up. "You need help unzipping your dress, dear?" An inquiry. You stand up, nodding. "Yes Coryo, I do." Sighing, you straighten your spine, waiting to feel the material slip off your body.

Snow did just that, undoing the fourth zipper to your outfit and letting the dress drop to the floor. A smirk escaped onto his face as he saw your body. He loved your body.

"Oh for fuck sake Snow, I'm not in the mood." You huff, an exasperated smile on your face as you turned to face him. He lifts a brow and puts his arms up in defense. "No, I don't mean it like that. I'm just admiring my Godess."

He leans down to press a kiss to your forehead, gently caressing your cheek.
"Wait for me on our bed."

And so, you go to the bed, sitting down on its satin sheets and waiting. You watched Snow slip out of his suit, showing his still well-sculpted body. He kept his routine the same after being a peace-keeper. Half of you wished you were a Jabber-Jay so you could see his buzz cut.

He joins you in the bed, dragging you down to lie ontop of him with two arms. He looks at you with a smile. You were his lady. Only his. Your lips found their way to his.

"Baby?" You ask at last, rolling to the side a little so you could rest your head in the crook of his neck. Feeling him shift to also get comfortable, he replies. "Hmm?"

"Do you even love me?" You ask, pain in your tone. The question took him off guard. Of course he loved you! He loved everything about you. He was like a zombie, craving her. He loved her personality, her style, her body, her voice, her hair, her eyes, her smile, her charm, her sassiness, her everything! How could she think he disliked her? He would kill for her.

He replies. "I love you dearly." He pauses to let his hands find their way to your hair, running his fingers through it."What makes you think otherwise?" He asks, fear in his tone. Had some slut or Capitol mutt lied to her? He would surely have them executed painfully.

You reply hesitantly. "The woman.." is all you could muster. Instantly, his grip on you tightens, a clear indication of his anger.

"Those bitches don't mean shit to me. They only swarm over me in hopes I'll give you up, but why? Why choose a prostitute over the 'Princess' of Panem? Yeah, they touch me and all but soon they'll be an Avox. Maybe I'll cut their hands off too, I don't want their filth on my expensive suits. I only want you."

Your words soothed him, and you calmed.

"I love you Coryo."

"I love you too Y/N."


Authors note!

Lmao I rushed on this. Do yall like it? You can dm me for requests too. I'm thinking about writing some more smut, some better from last time.

Let me know! - Ayla signing off ×

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