Slow dancing in the dark. [Fluff + Angst]

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⚠️ mentions of s/h please skip this chapter if you are triggered ⚠️

The light shimmer of the moonlight seeped through the open window crack, flooding the shadowed room. A small flood of light casted upon two figures. A man and a woman. The gentle whistle of the wind echoed off the walls, serenading the air. The gently hum of music played in the background.

"You're so beautiful," her mind kept replaying those words. His hand was on her hip, against her bare skin from where her dress was slit. The other hand was entwined with hers as they slowly danced in the room.

~Perspective change~

"No I'm not, Coryo. Can't you see I'm a mess?" You reply, looking him straight in his blue eyes. They didn't waver, just staring directly back into yours as a solemn expression was on his sculpted face. Oh how perfect he looked, like a statue. Pristine, untouched. Even though he was such a narcissist, he was so enticing.

Then, a kiss landed on your arms. Your poor...poor arms. Once beautiful, now scarred because of you. In your young life, you struggled a lot. The war had changed everyone, even you. You had lost everything and resided in the Snow's apartment, even when they were just scraping by. That's when you found out the affects of alcohol and drugs. The drowsiness made you feel comforted. An escape from the cold reality, where you had no one. Escaping from the truth. From what ruined you the most.

"Darling, I would never lie to you." He mumbled, looking back up at you as he twirled you to the beat of the song.

"Coryo, you should've been with Lucy grey, or Livia Cardew, not me. Discard me, look at me like you don't know me so I feel better about myself. You don't deserve me. Shut me out-" A stutter, yelp and tears. Coriolanus was quick to shut you up. He knew better than to let his girl break down infront of him.

His fucking perfect girl.

He let's go of you and gets down on his knees. "Listen to me. I love you so much, no matter what happens. Nothing you can do will make me stop loving your. I was lost before you kissed me the first time. Now we don't ever have to leave eachother, because you are my girl. My lady. Can we have one last dance together?"

And so you both continued, Slow dancing in the dark.

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