That boy is no longer mine. [angst]

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⚠️ blood warning ⚠️

Requested by hqawesomenes

"Coriolanus, what's that noise?" You ask. A loud crash interrupts you, and you glance up to see a horrific sight. Your heart dropped in fear and your mouth grew dry. Explosion's littered the arena, parts of its walls that were handmade crumbling and falling. All the memories gone, being ruined, but what by?

A rebel attack! For fuck sake. You look back down, hastily lookin around you. Where was that boy? Gone. Helping his songbird who had hit her head. Pain filled your chest and it constricted. You knew he had to do this for the game, but surely he would care about his girlfriend more than some district singer?

This left you vulnerable, distracted. Oh how easy prey you were. One of the large collums was tumbling towards you, and Sejanus quickly yelled. "Y/N MOVE YOUR ASS!"

That snapped you back to reality. Trailing your eyes to the voice, there was your friend, a now stressed out man with curly hair. You then cast your gaze upwards, seeing a white marble pillar crashing down to you. Merely two metres from hitting you.

Adrenaline rushed through your veins, coursing through you at incredible speeds. You were a swift person, and you sprang, but this time you weren't fast enough. Your legs had flailed.

Was it out of fright? Anger? Or had you given up? The breath was knocked out of your body as you were slammed to the floor, and your vision immediately blurred. You felt nothing.

Then an awful feeling took over. Unbearable pain, aching everywhere, seemingly pulsating out of every cell inside your body. A blood curdling screech of agony escaped your lips as your fingers desperately tried to drag yourself out.

Numbness was felt in your legs. The pillar had landed on your hips. Coriolanus looked back at you as you screamed. Lucy grey was dragging his wrist. Sadness filled his eyes, but he just shook his head and went off. That wad the last painful thing you saw before you blacked out.


You awoke in a hospital bed, lights blinding you. Drowsy. Close your eyes once more, fall back asleep. The pain is gone.

You flutter open your eyes again, the shallow calling of your voice filled your ears. Was this heaven? All these bright lights? Once you had came round, you realised you were in the Panem hospital. Hope bursted out your heart. Had Coriolanus came back to save me? Still, your hearing was adjusting, and what you thought was your boyfriends voice was a nurses.

"Miss. Y/n L/n?" She asks, handing you a cup of water. "Take a moment to speak, your throat is line with Ash and dust, we can get you a notepad and pen if you want." Accepting the cup of water, you tilt the rim of the plastic on your lips, letting the water tricked down your throat as you swallow painfully and rapidly. Instantly the dryness in your throat you hadn't even noticed yet was cleared, and it let you hum in satisfaction.

"Y-yes." Your voice wavered, cracking. It was sore, but not too bad. Just manageable. "You survived the arena bombing, only sustaining a broken pelvis and multiple bruises. If that pillar had hit you any higher, your internal organs would've been crushed. We have seen that your legs still work, they just may be stiff. You need to try walking."

You nod, heaving yourself out of the hospital bed. Teeth gritting, you seethe in agony, grabbing a pair of crutches, seeing your vitals delivery thing wheeling along with you.

You tried your best to walk, and you did well! Making your way all the way other to the other wing of the hospital. There, you spot Coriolanus but rush over to him, only to see him acompanying Lucy grey who only had a small head wound that got stitches.

Your heart sunk. He didn't even care about his girlfriend who almost died? As Coriolanus recognised you he waved, almost like he was about to talk.

Without looking back, you turn back around and go all the way back to your hospital bed.

Did he not love you anymore? You both and grown up together, promising each other you would ever choose someone over the other. Now, he had broken it all because of some district scum! Tears streamed down your cheeks. Salty. Delicate. It was what a year long headache had caused. Coriolanus didn't know but you suffered with your mental health, and he was your only escape. But not anymore, because he had seemed to loose interest.

Was I just his favourite toy? Had i grown old and ugly now, so he got a new one? All of you hated him, and loved him. It was so weird, that he cared so much, until he didn't.

The nurse spotted you and put her arm around you, guiding you to a secluded area where she said. "What's up, girl?" She was young, like your age.

"He doesn't love me anymore." You sniffle. "Oh, dear. I don't know much about you but I promise it gets better." The nurse kissed your forehead, hugging you gently. That's when she spotted Coriolanus jogging over. Taking this as a sign she nods to you, before walking away.

"Hey, whyd you ignore me?" Coriolanus asks, a brow of his lifted as he stared at you.

"Oh, why did I ignore you? Why did you leave me to die in the arena?" Your voice raised.

"Wel firstly, you didn't die so you can calm the fuck down, missy." This attitude shocked you. "Second, I have to take care of my tribute no matter what. I need the Plinth prize so my family can actually pull through. You don't need shit like me, you didn't know what it was like for me growing up. You are rich! You can afford any treatment, but I can't so I cannot risk anything."He exclaimed, looking at you like you were in the wrong.

"Well, excuse me but you told me I mattered the most to you, and you would do anything for me. Maybe if your head wasn't so far up your broke ass, maybe you would consider asking me for help? I can give you money! It's almost like your obsessed with being poor. Relationships rely on communication and if your so focused on everything being perfect and on point, focus on that so your imperfect ass can feel better about yourself."

"Why would I want your money? I'm not weak, so no, and I do communicate with you. Let's not act like you aren't shit. Your always so miserable now, just smile for fucks sake! It's not that hard. I don't care if your struggling, but this is Panem, this is our life. Everything is hard, and we have It easy compared to out in the districts. Your little prissy issues of not having the right dress maybe doesn't mean your going to die. The poor district kids do."

"Oh that's rich comming from you, Coriolanus. You don't know shit about me, so shut your useless mouth. And I know this is our life, and you know what? I fucking bask in it. Unlike you. Maybe if you cared about me and not about money, I wouldn't be injured like this. You say all I care about is money, but look at you! So desperate to do anything to anyone just to get a sweet taste of that Plinth prize. Well guess what Coryo? It's unlikely you will even get it. Dean highbottum hates you, Gaul is fucking with you and using you so just give up will you? Face it, your an insecure prick. You won't get the Plinth prize so stop trying and taking it out on everyone else because your life is that boring."

Coriolanus's face contorted with hatred, his eyes staring daggers directly into yours. A scowl was tugging on his lips, his teeth bared almost like a dog menacingly growling. You could see his fists balling up, knuckles turning white like he was about to swing for your face, but he didn't.

"Can't I just be happy your alive instead of arguing with you?" He asks, seeming now to have put on a fake front. You felt entranced and you kissed him on the lips.

Then out of disgust, you pull back. That wasn't the usual taste of his mouth. It was strawberries. The last thing Lucy grey had ate. He had kissed her. As you realised this, Coriolanus had a twisted smirk on his face. Was this man evil (foreshadowing fr)?

In that moment you realised you were no longer his favourite toy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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