lap [smut]

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Coriolanus snow often spoilt his wife, even if it meant he had to be seen like a fool. She would sometimes force him to wear matching pajamas (which he hated) but of course, he complied.

The reason he did this was because - well - he wanted to see her happy. Happy wife, happy husband. Even of that meant he had to try some...crazy things in bed for her.

They had a planned shopping trip, and he wad meant to buy her all sorts! Diamond rings, Ruby necklaces, crystal earrings and onyx bangles. No cost was spared on his wife. She got the best of the best, and everyone knew that. If you tried to throw them over and lie, he would have you executed by your own creation.

His wife surely was excited to go - until it got cancelled. Coriolanus had business work to do! As president of panem, he made every major decision, and one had to be made. A drunk peace keeper had suggested a 'Quater quel' every twenty five years. Once the officer heard of this, he wrote immediately to the president, and executed the drunk peace keeper.

This upset his wife, as now he had to write inquiries, speeches and all. Luckily Snow was allowed to work from home, and this meant he could sit at his desk.


"Coryo?" You ask as you enter the room, leaning on the white doorframe. Coriolanus looked up with a furrowed brow. He hated that nickname unless it came from your mouth, but all this work just had him pissed.

"Yes, my darling?" He asks, spinning around on his chair to face you. He was manspreading a lot, something you especially hated when you sat next to eachother at restaurants. It provided good, secret hand jobs though, and that was something.

"I'm terribly bored," you would begin, a smirk on your face, which made Coryo laugh and shake his head. Twirling a strand of your (hair colour) hair, you continue. "So I was thinking...Maybe, just Maybe!" The suspense was real. "I could sit on your lap."

*Oh, I hadn't expected that* coriolanus thought. Yet, he just shrugged. "Go ahead darling." He laughed, turning back around on his seat to face his work.

Timidly, you walk over and cautiously place yourself down on his lap, which was now not as far manspread.

Coriolanus instantly knew something that was now infuriating him. You had no underwear on, and that you could feel *everything.* and that you had planned to go shopping like that.

Still he didn't give it away to you that he knew, but sneakily he shifted so his zipper on the fly of his pants touched your sensitive nub. It was as cold as his heart.

Your body jolts, and you hiccup to cover it up. It was raking everything within you not to begin to grind yourself along it.

An hour has passed, and Coriolanus had practically forgotten about the whole thing, but you hadn't. This has turned you on a great deal, and you could feel the familiar tingle down bellow. Adjusting yourself, you end up getting his zipper *exactly* pressed upon your clit.

After awhile, Snow began to feel you do something odd, but he didn't take much mind to it. But it was starting to get annoying, distracting him from writing, so he takes a minute to try figure out what it was.

That's when he realised. *Was she throbbing?* the thought made him scoff, that his wife could get all wound up over a tiny zipper. This gave him an idea.

The hand resting on the page reached down your body to under your skirt. Gently tracing circles on your inner thigh. You look at him, confused. "Princess, I could feel your throbbing. I'm going to help you out, just relax."

With a huff and a puff, you relax into his lap. "Fuck me.." you swear. He laughs. "I'd love to, but I'm not sure I can get off to the sight of paperwork, aswell as my wife. To teasing." He joked.

His hand slid further up and now he gently placed his full hand on your pussy. It was so *cold.* "Shit!" You yelp in shock.

Then, he removes it and one of his fingers gently run up my and down your slit, before he retracts fully, lubes his fingers with his saliva, and returns his hand.

Then, his middle finger enters your folds, which earns a whimper from you.  The finger gently runs up and down, before finding your clitoris. He applies pressure. "Coryo.." a breathy moan escapes your lips as you throw your head back into his chest.

A hum of satisfaction came from him, and he inserted another finger, playing ever so gently with your clit. You had never had a clitorial orgasm, but you knew this would be your first time, and it would be quick.

"I'm going to cum-" He stops moving his fingers, and speaks. "I want to hear your moans, baby, speak up."

So you begin to moan, become his little, overstimulated wreck. And you knew he enjoyed it. His fingers gently brushed over your bundle of nerves, before the knot in your stomach which had been building up in your stomach suddenly snaps.

".....I'm cumming...fuck~!" You would scream, and this took Coryo by surprise.  Maybe next time he'd do this more, he'd rather have you screaming his name and he pounded your tight hole and rubbed your clit, but not now.

You came all over his fingers, groaning in ecstacy. He removed the two fingers and sucks them clean of your slick. "You  taste so good baby," He murmurs in your ear, gently whiping sweat of your forehead.

Nodding, you whimper and turn so you were straddling him. Usually after an insane orgasm that made you animalistic you would get tired and fall asleep, ands that's exactly what happened.

Now Coriolanus snow would have to finish his work with a sleepy Y/N in his lap and a bad boner. How apt.

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