Notes [Angst]

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Dear Coriolanus, my Academy enemy.

It might sound odd, but thank you for being here for me. You were the only person here for me, even if you didn't realise. I know I acted like I hated you and all, but you were secretly my favourite person. Maybe I'll even admit to having a crush on you.

The point of me writing this is, that I have decided I no longer want to be here. Sejanus has gone crazy, you are too busy with your tribute to bully me and Arachne is dead.

I don't care about the others anyway, Hilarius looks gay. DONT TELL HIM I SAID THAT!

Anyways, I will tell you the reason why in hopes you won't spread it. Dr. Gaul is targeting my family, she wants us dead after Sejanus entered the arena and you had to take him out. I don't want my name to go down in Dr.Gauls kill book, so instead I'm taking my own life tonight. Don't try save me, it won't work. I have made my mind up, you can't change me.

Life's to shitty, I'm tired of this. We don't deserve to all be punished because of some war, we just go around in circles.

But please Snow, I have one final thing for you.

Sorry can't save me now. Sorry, I don't know how. Sorry there is no way out, but down. Call my friends and tell them that I love them, and I'll miss them, but I'm not sorry.

But I'm sorry.

I'm about to jump. See you in the next life my Coryo.

-Y/n Plinth


Corioanus rushed to the building that he had gotten the message from, but he instantly saw it. Peacekeepers taking away a body bag.!

He was loosing the only person he truly cared about! His heart felt like a castle of glass. Crack, Crack, Crack. Shatter! It all came down like how his tears came down his cheeks. His heart ached so awfully, and he has a heavy lump in his throat he was to weak to swallow. Hands trembling, he falls to his knees, eyes darting around in despair. He had a slight hope that body bag wasn't you.

He tore the letter up into shreds. He had lost his girl. His enemy. He lost the other half of him


Authors note:

I'm thinking of adding a part 2 and a twist. Should I? Sorry for the shorter story too!

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