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⚠️- may contain names or language that can be upsetting to others. Please scroll if you may be sensitive to this. Thank you.

If not, and your still here? Then read on my friends!


After a long day of work, Coriolanus raped his hand on the black wood of his front door. In his classic old fathers dress-suit with tessera buttons, he had some paperwork and files in hand. As new president, he had a lot of forms to fill out. Especially ones that made him really want to fucking run over a child - but to be fair - that was his mood always.

You hop off the sofa and walk over to the door, in some lazy clothes. A half-buttoned blouse, no bra because you needed to give your poor boobs a break (real tbf), and some old flowering shorts. Grabbing the copper doorknob in your sweaty hand, you turn it until it clicks and swing back the door.

Immediately Coriolanus stared at your body with a brow raised. As you were either well dressed, or in one of his robes. He didn't mind this for a change, it suited you a lot. "Hello, dear." He clears his throat. "Mind if I can come in?"

"Oh, yeah - shit - sure!" With a huff of embarrassment, you step aside so he could enter. He just dumps his paperwork on a table,before staring at your chest through the blouse. What a cheeky bitch - he thought - if he had brought one of his friends around, they would've seen her like this. Only what belonged to his watercolour eyes.

Then in a swift motion he picks you up and carried you upstairs without saying a word. You squeak in protest, "what the fuck are you doing?" You ask. "Helping myself to you," He replies.

When you arrive at your room, he shuts the door behind you, locking it then slamming you against it in a quick motion. He bad both your legs around his waist, and he was looking at you as if you were a snack.

That's when you realised, he had an erection. You stare at him confused, before he explains. "Babe, I can see your tits through your shirt. Maybe wear something else, darl." He let's you down before grabbing your chin.

"Now you either help me out with your mouth, or your ass. Which one?" He mumbles lowly, eyes staring directly into yours. Intensity glowed within them and he slowly unbuckled his belt.

"T-tongue." You mumble, stuttering on your words. Kneeling down infront of him you wait ever so patiently. "Good girl, my good girl. Your pretty lips, your big thighs, your juicy ass. All mine baby, all mine."

Once his throbbing cock sprung out, I could see his precum leaking out the tip, which was angry and red. A few veins run along it. A small giggle escaped your mouth, "someone's been waiting."

His face flushes slightly and he looks away to hide his smile, before turning back to face you. "No, you slut. Now get to work before I grab your hair."

Quickly, you begin to gently lick his frenulum repeatedly. After all, you could t be bothered doing much else. A low hum of satisfaction hums from his chest as he leans back slightly. "That's it princess, being such a good bunny for me."

Though, your little licks didn't suffice for long. He became impatient, and angered. His wife should be choking on him, spit on her chin. If he couldn't hear her crying, he didn't feel like he was satisfied. Infact, one of his sneaky get offs was seeing his Wife in pain or overstimulation. Any sort of power made him feel strong, especially because he was such a wounded soul.

Gripping all your hair in his hand, he shoves his whole length into your mouth with his breath hitching and him grunting. He begins to mouthfuck you, and you desperately moved your tongue to try help. "Such a bitch, don't you fucking dare try cut it short. I can spend hours going down on you, but you can't spend a minute?" He spits, scowling deeply.

Your throat contracted around his tip, as he was now ball-deep. Choking, spit pooled on your swollen pink lips and tears ran down your face. Atleast he was happy.

With one final push, he moans your name out under his breath, twitching his hips. He spilled his hot seed into the back of your mouth, decorating it before pulling out.

"Next time slut, do as I ask. You listen to me, obey me and don't deny me. Got that? Tomorrow I'm going to show you how to do it. I'll go down on you and eat your swollen clit because I feel pitty for your pathetic ass. Even worse than a religious virgin."

Still, he patted your shoulder and kissed your forehead. "One thing your good at though, is that fucking tongue. Use it more, please."

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