Stupid Virgins [smut]

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Requested by @lillyanm749

You glance up at Coriolanus, a brow of yours quirked. Deep inside you knew beneath his big old 'perfect demeanor, he was odd. But this odd? Oh boy.

"Let me get this straight, you, my best friend, has never had sex?" Your jaw drops in shock. He was well-sculpted for his age and well respected. Yet, he chose to befriend a quiet need like you.

Coriolanus seemed amused, leaning on your bedroom wall, as you were both sat on your bed. "I mean, yeah. I don't want to have sex because like, rushing into shit doesn't work for me. You get it?" His words seemed genuine, and you nod along. Maybe he was right, he was a guy who took it slow. You also agreed because you felt the same.

"I do get it, I also hate rushing. It would take me atleast...a month to say the first I love you. Like, I just don't understand how people do that!" You exclaim, folding your arms under your chest. Saying the words 'I love you' was always hard to say first. What I'd the other person did not like you?

"I haven't even had my first kiss yet." He adds. "Same," you mumble.

You both sat in silence, staring around the room for a while the walls were white and plain, only decorated by boards of facts and other usefull things to you. Shelves lined your walls, holding up hard-paper back books laced with fine pages with the most beautiful hand writing. One of your walls held up your art peices. All ornate drawings of architecture, which was a new interest of yours. A thought comes across your mind. What was love really? Was it a metaphor, or a real feeling. People threw around the word 'love and hate' to often it lost its meaning. If you loved something, you would hold it dear to you, protect it Jo matter what and show endless affection. If you hated someone, you did the opposite. Coriolanus stuck out like a sore thumb for you. You loved him, and hated him, so you contradicted yourself.

Then, your eyes land back on Coryo's as an idea sparks across his mind. "How about we practice kissing on eachother? Since we both have no experience, and it will be funny - maybe."

Okay, now this was outrageous. You judgemental side eye the blonde guy. Goldilocks was getting bold, okay! Two can play that game. "OO, let's do it."

In a swift motion you swing yourself on the bed to land on his lap. His eyes light up with confusion, but then you crash your lips onto his. Really, you did not know what possessed you to do this. Too straddle your best friends lap, then proceed to kiss him. You had never really thought of him as more or less, but come to think of it, you didn't mind him.

Immediately, his hands instinctively find their way to your ass. He did not intentionally break the kiss to moan, but he did. This made you two now fighting with your tongues. The faint taste of liquor from his mouth teased your tongue tip, and he could taste the blueberry from your mouth from the slushie you had earlier.

Pure lust seemed to take over as you unbuttoned his shirt,hands working quickly against the buttons. He already had yours off, his lips now on your neck, nipping and sucking on various areas. "Oh, Coryo. Should we do this?"

"...waffles." He grunted, sliding his short off and helping himself and you out the rest of your clothes. His fingers found their way to your swollen folds, already wet from the intense kisses shared between you two. One of his fingertips brushed your clit, which makes you arch your back.

Taking this as a sign, both of his finger now gently play with your clit. In his own briefs, an erection was growing and he didn't know why. But oh boy did he love it.

"Get on your hands and knees, I think I need me a condom...uh.." you obey, getting on your hand and knees, giggling at him scavenging through his nightside table. Finally, he pulls one out. Quickly discarding his briefs, he looks at his member then at the condom.

"How the fuck?" He questions, looking mildly confused. After lots of jokes, embarrassment, fuss and giggles it was finally on. His tip was aligned with your entrance and before he entered, thoughts raced across your mind.

How come half an hour ago you two were playing uno, and now you were about to loose your virginity. It was all so weird, but you didn't care. You trusted Coriolanus with your life, after all you both knew eachothers deepest, darkest secrets.

Then, pain filled you as his cock slid into you. "Ow!? Why does it hurt so much, gah bitch!" You seethe. He seemed confused. "I think this is all going wrong... oh shit. Don't they use lube?"

"We don't got any lemonade whatever its called." You grumble, annoyed.

Coryo spits in his cock, the rest of it slid into your tight hole more easier now. "Problem solved."

He gave you a few seconds to adjust to his size, as his cock was dormantly nestled deep inside of you. Sweat trickled off your forehead. Pain was all you felt around your hymen, but it slowly grew to pleasure after a few seconds.

Coriolanus begin to thrust into you, groaning and swearing as he did so. All that was on your mind was the feeling of the head of his penis brushing your cervix, and you were glad it wasn't any bigger or else you may have kicked him in pain.

As you were both virgins, this was all new, and both of you were entering your climax, speeding your thrusts up and your voices growing louder. Eventually, you were both on the edge. The bubbling feeling inside your stomach was growing stronger and stronger, the tingle throughout Coriolanus getting worse.

He thrusted into you one last time, before orgasming at the same time as you. Both of you moaning and writhing animalistically. After the pair of you had calmed, cleaned up and washed yourselfs, you stood infront of the bathroom wondering why a stupid ex-virgin like you just fucked her best friend for the sake of it.


Sorry if there are any errors! I'm writing this at 01:39 am and my alarm goes off soon. I literally cannot sleep. Hope you enjoy! I will be getting around to doing more requests in a day or two.

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