notes PART 2 [angst/fluff]

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As the new president of Panem, he would have to Labour over worksheets that meant nothing to him. Some people would say he's strict, or maybe he's tyrannical, but it doesn't matter. He's right. This world was cruel already, without the Hunger games and someone to boss over the pathetic Districts, there wouldn't be any chance of survival.

He didn't care that he was the master of this newfound game. He made everyone go round and round on the chess board, whilst he remained untouchable, gardered safely by an army so strong its training could he considered torture.

The reason this didn't matter to him, was because he missed her. Ever after she had jumped off of that dammed building, he had never been the same. Soon, his songbird Lucy grey had abandoned him too, and he had no one else. No one to look up to, no purpose.


The acidic taste of the liquid travelled down his throat. Stumble, then crash. "Ugh...shit, shit!" Coriolanus curses, turning back around to see he had walked back into a glass table. He jad done this in his drunked state.

A brow of him furrows, that table should've been made stronger, he couldn't do no wrong. Instead of being rational like usual, he slurred. "Maids! Come uh..." He stuttered on his words, still staggering. "Clean this up!"

And so they did, rushing quickly. They feared him, that if they didn't follow his rules, he would have them publicly executed. He no longer cared about having a nice image. He had sacrificed everything for Lucy. He had sacrificed his friends, his home, his life, his friends, fucking Y/N! And she repayed him by lieing to his face and trying to kill him, hiding the weapon (a snake) under his MOTHERS shawl? Even just the thought of that wretched, district scum, good for nothing girl made him want to gag and wash his mouth out with soap for ever saying the words 'I love you.'.

Anyways, there was always one maid that stood out to him. She was...different. like she knew something he didn't. She was also familiar, but he couldn't pinpoint it. Everything she looked at him, he could see the sadness in her eyes, like she was ashamed of him. As if she knew the old him, and what monster he had turned into. The monster everyone pressured him to be, but in reality her glance would say it all. Like she knew his heart, brain and reflexes were like a beautiful, pristine castle of glass, but one tiny crack was inside it. And it was cracking very fast indeed.

So fast he wanted to scream right now as she looked at him once more. Rage bubbled up in him like a volcano inside his chest waw about to erupt out of his ears. Why would she care about him? She knew nothing about him.....right?

"" He pointed at that maid. "C'mere." A mutter. Gesturing with a singular finger to join him, in the other room.

Off she trotted beside him, joining his side. Arms tightly wrapped around her front, clasped together, she looked up at him diligently. He spoke up, "I never caught your name."

This is when her heart dropped, and she hesitated before speaking. It's best to say the truth. Opening her mouth, as if she was about to answer confidently, only a breath comes out. Her palms and forehead was sweaty, with her knees buckling slightly. He felt heavy, almost like his intense glare upon her was a rhinos fists slamming onto her shoulders.


His brows twitch, then furrow and he looks at her in disbelief. What? That sounded a lot like his Y/N. Instead, he just shakes his head. "And your last name."


It was almost like a train had hit him. Immediately he takes a step back, pacing his head in his hands, almost like he wanted to cry. But he lifts his head and observes her. That was why she was so familiar! That smile, that glance.

His mind slowly muttered.

'You killed her,"

'Y/N L/N'

shaking his head again, he speaks up. "I.." he takes a small breath "1is this real?" Lowering himself down, he met your level.

She stared at him like she wanted to carress him, to love him. The thing that bitch Lucy took from her, the thing that ultimately lead to her suicide. One of his hands touched their cheek.

"I'm not hallucinating right?" He asks again, looking at you with concern.

"No, your not." She begin slowly, but the words flowed out of her mouth in a cascade. "Your probably wondering how I'm alive, well. At the Capitol hospital they discovered I was alive and was in a coma, but I woke up after two months and was asked to be pronounced dead so I could continue life normally, as a new person. But then, I got forced into the job of working for you. I was really excited, maybe I'd get to love you again! But you had...changed. your a monster now coryo....what happened to you? Your just like your father, Crassus. Honestly, I was trying to hold my tongue incase I spoke out and got executed, or accidentally kissed you, because your so infuriating-"

He shut her up with a kiss, their lips colliding. His softness surprised her, almost like he was asking for consent. She leaned into him, arms around his neck. His arms found their way around her waist.

The kiss turned more aggressive, their tongues fighting over eachother, before he suddenly breaks away, looking at himself and her in shock.

Like he was ashamed.

And with that, he walks of quickly saying, "I need time."


Authors note:

Hehe left yall on a cliffhanger
Lemme know if yall want a part 3, or if not feel free to give me requests or suggestions.

Ayla signing off.

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