Arc 2, Chapter 42: Horrible Plans.

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Through hardships we can lose hope

The end is not now

Do not give up, for destiny will always reach you.

Give up stupid child.

You are no match for thee.

It is useless anyway.

I will prevail.

Do not listen to the darkness.

It calls for you.

But you are more than just the dark.

You are YOU.

That is much more beautiful than you can imagine.

I believe in you.

I'm sorry I've passed these hardships onto thee.

Sleep well child.


The pain she felt was eating away at her mental health. Taco couldn't take much more of this torture. And made her feel so weak. She just started to break down. All of her tears spilling out of her like a faucet as she wallowed away in her despair. Her cries audible as the sedatives slowly exited her system. The withered wings pressing into her back inside the straight jacket, pressing into her burns and irritating them further.

She tried to shut herself up. But what was the point? Nobody else cared. Nobody cared, so she could cry when she fucking wanted. The camera's red blinking light teased her. The room was silent except for the echoes of her cries. She felt hopeless and powerless.

It felt like hours staining up at the ceiling feeling blood beneath her as it spread across the white floor. She heard the silence disappear as the door beeped and opened. In the doorway standing one of the dreaded scientists. Her eyes narrowed and tears fell.

It was Syringe again.

He looked down at Taco and rolled his eyes as he stepped towards her. "We're going to be doing another test now. Do not fight me." He muttered as he unclipped the cable.

Taco looked at him do it. He was alone with her... Her adrenaline began to pump through her. The pain began to subside as her heartbeat ran a million miles an hour.  She sprung up and bit him hard on the leg. Her teeth sinking into his flesh and blood dripping into her mouth as she tore a chunk of flesh from him. His pained screams rang out as he collapsed. She spat out the chunk of flesh and bolted out of the open door. A slight limp from the small amount of pain ripping through her adrenaline rush.

Many scientists around all looked to her with panicked expressions and tried to dig out their guns and tasers to try and contain her.

Taco sprinted down the hallway ducking out the way of gunshots and tasers. A piercing sound of blaring alarms rang out through her ears as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her across the white tile floors. The ground rushing past beneath her as she navigated the maze of hallways to try and find an exit. Blood dripping from her mouth a mix of Syringe's and hers.

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