The wagon rattled as it was pulled along the forested road. Silence rang through the ears of the objects that sat within. The one who was caged less than happy. His adrenaline through the roof and his shaking more than evident to the one who was sitting just outside. Fries silently glared at the boy who seemed less than happy to be here. That much was plain as day for as from night. He knew he was in the wrong... Man... He should've warned them or... something...
The wagon inevitability ceased it's movement, and the horse's trotting came to a stop. He watched Bottle and Yellow face grab the cage with the others and drag it off. Fries felt terrible watching fear fill the kid's face as he dragged off by the other bandits. He hugged himself and climbed out of the wagon, looking around at the forest which surrounded their camp.
Tree waved to fries from across the clearing, "Hey! Fries, come help me with this one mate!" He beckoned for Fries to follow him. Fries sighed and jogged over.
Tree dragged the cage from the back of the wagon, and Fries grabbed the other end. Tree pulled it towards one of the tents— but tripped as Paper slammed his shoulder into the side of the cage, causing it to tip. Fries yelped and collapsed, and Tree grumbled to himself.
"Your one big pain in my ass, aren't you..." He seethed yanking Paper against the bars through them. He let out a muffled cry. "Fries, get up and help..." he muttered.
Fries sighed and gave a slight nod, getting up and slumping over to the two and dragging the cage along, and putting him in the tent. Fries slumped down afterwards, stretching his injured arm out, and watched Tree get up and step towards the entrance of the tent. "Watch him while I check on the girl, alright?"
Fries nodded silently, and glared at Paper, grimacing at the blood and narrowing his gaze as he heard tree leave. Fries crawled over, "are... uh... Are ya' hurt?" He asked, reaching forwards towards Paper.
Paper— didn't like that of course, and kicked back, letting out a muffled growl in an attempt to sound threatening, and to be threatening.
Fries sighed in response, "I need to check if your injuries are severe, please... let me look..." He muttered, reaching again, but laying Paper come to him instead. Paper was wary, but it was for the best. Fries grabbed the bloody blindfold and lifted the rag. Beneath it, was only stains. No actual visible injury. Paper had a hostile glare... He could've sworn his eyes were glowing. "You're... not hurt at all?" He narrowed his eyes.
Paper just threateningly stared at Fries.
Fries sighed, and looked around, "I'll just leave this in the ground, okay?" He placed the bloody rag on the floor of the cage. "You don't have to put that thing back on... You'll get an eye infection."
Paper scoffed and narrowed his killer gaze.
Fries found it obviously that Paper was having a hard time believing he actually cared for his well being. But he didn't bother trying to prove he did in that moment. It would only make him seem desperate and suspicious. Fries was quickly snapped out of his train of thought by a loud yelp coming from the tent over.
FanfictionThe world is being ripped apart at it's seams, and it's up to 10 assigned gods to see the mortal plane back together. But all of them are children or just barely adults... And one of the gods is not as they seem... Will these newly crowned gods be...