🤍 basketball 🤍

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requested by: br1sdiary

"can you just be a good dad for once?!" i scream from across the room as i throw a mug in the sink, "i dont want to go to your stupid game that your gonna screw up! its a waste of time and money." he screams back. i shut my eyes tightly out of frustration, running a hand through my hair.

"whatever! have fun cleaning your mess up alone." i stomp up the stairs, quickly pulled back by my hair, i find myself back on the floor. "you will clean up this damn mess or i will knock your face in!" he kicks me in the side. i scramble up and out the door, running to my bike and riding all the way to the chateau.

i stomp up the chateau steps and through the door, i throw myself down on the couch as i drop my blue backpack on the floor. i sigh loudly as i take out a envelope and start paying bills knowing full well my dead beat father wont.

"hey baby," jj comes in and kisses my head, noticing my tears that i hadnt noticed myself, he pushed my hair out of my face, "holy shit, how did this happen?" he says to the scratch on my forehead i must have gotten when my dad pulled me to the ground.

"dad." i say, not looking up from the bills im focused on.

"what happend this time?" he sits down, gently taking the paper and pen out of my hands and setting them aside, "i just asked him to go to my game tomorrow and he reacted like this," i shrug.

im not entirely used to my father being this way only because it started a year ago but i dont let it show towards jj because he has it way worse. im also not used to anyone coming to my games, which is fine because i know my highschool basketball game isnt the most important thing in people lives. i just sometimes feel like nobody supports me besides jj. i try my best to support everyone around me and i know sometimes i can come off strong since i didnt get enough love as a child.

"oh," jj says, "im sorry." he leans back on the couch cushions, causing me to aswell. we both them fall into a fitful nap.


i wake up to the sun shining in my face. damn how long did i sleep for? anyway, i get up and start putting on my uniform and grabbing my things. i decide against packing a lunch and head out to my bike.

once i arrive, i already see tons of people in the stands. i search around to see if my father had changed his mind about showing up. he didnt.

as im searching i see a familiar mop of blonde hair in the stands, confirming its my boyfriend, my stomach flips in joy. i make eye contact with him and he holds up a foam finger with a smirk on his face. i blow him a kiss before running out and starting my game.

after the game finished i was practically pushing people over in the stands trying to get to jj. once i see him i cant help but tear up due to the amount of support radiating off of the boy.

i run in his arms and he catches me and spins me around. i wrap my arms tightly around his neck and kiss him passionately.

"i love you so much!" i say in excitement, not realizing ive never said it before. we sit there and stare at each other for what feels like an eternity. im caught off guard when i feel his pink lips crash back down on mine, sending relief down my spine.

we pull out of the kiss, out of breath. i connect my forehead against his, feeling his hot breath against my skin.

i almost forget we're in a room filled with people as it seems like we're the only two in the building.

"i love you too."

JJ Maybank X Y/N ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now