Finding you injured at their enemies place

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Mattheo Riddle

Mattheo had believed he deserved it. He believed that you left him because he was a bad boyfriend. He knew that his jealousy had driven you crazy and he knew that you hated it when he fought all the time.

That's why he wasn't surprised when you disappeared one day.

He thought he didn't deserve to be loved. Since you left, he fought even more often, his mood constantly down, rather sad or angry.

He often went to your dorm room when he missed you. There were your things, your photos, the memories.

It's been almost two years since your absence, and the smell has already left your room, but he still slept in your bed from time to time.

He would have given anything to see you again, to hold you in his arms.

His love for you never wanted for a day, even when he thought you didn't want him anymore.

Mattheo was even more surprised when he came back into your room one rainy day. He was looking at your pictures together for what must have been the thousandth time when he dropped one of them.

And that's when he found it. The threatening letters. They were under your bed, in a little box. Countless letters threatening you that something would happen to you if you didn't leave Mattheo.

The more he read, the angrier he became, and he quickly realized who the letters were from.

He couldn't help but feel a little hope. Maybe he would see you again, maybe you hadn't left him.

It wasn't long before Mattheo finally found you. In less than a week, he broke down the door to his enemy's house.

His henchmen didn't stand a chance. The fact that Mattheo was alone didn't stop him. He felt such rage that he beat the living daylights out of anyone who got in his way, almost killing them. He was a berserker who got nothing but blood splatters and maybe a few blows.

His fighting skills allowed him to completely secure the house in less than an hour.

He searched every millimeter for you, everything, until he reached the basement.

There you were. Tied to a chair, a cloth tightly around your mouth. You were unconscious, a large scratch across your face, and several smaller injuries all over your body.

Mattheo immediately knelt in front of you and began to undo the restraints that had left marks on your body until he could finally lift you up bridal style.

"It's okay princess. It's okay. I've found you. You'll be safe now. "

Theodore Nott

Theodore and you had a bad fight before you disappeared. It was, as so often, about his constant smoking, the fact that he wasn't even willing to smoke at least a few cigarettes less a day.

You ignored him for two days after the argument, and on the third day, when Theodore was finally ready to talk to you and calm you down because he missed you, you weren't there.

Theodore couldn't believe that you would leave, that you would leave him without saying anything beforehand, but he wasn't surprised.

He had let you down so many times, it was no wonder you were done with his bullshit.

Still, he didn't want to give up hope that you would return to him one day. He needed you. He needed you to stay sane.

A year later, you still hadn't come back, he hadn't even heard from you. His smoking had gotten worse, his days were almost all fighting, smoking and detention. His life without you was almost pointless.

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