The Boys being your Professor

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Mattheo Riddle

It was the first day of your seventh year at Hogwarts. And this day was off to a great start.

First you messed up in Potions, and now you were going to be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts, just when a new professor had started.

You ran down the corridors and finally reached the classroom, but before you could go in, you ran into someone you'd never seen before.

He looked young, but if he was a new student, you would have seen him before. He looked incredibly handsome.

"You should watch where you're going, miss...?" he said in a raspy voice, and you got goosebumps.

"Y/l/n..." you said, looking into his dark eyes, which scrutinized you intently. He didn't say any more, just indicated that you should go to the classroom.

And that's exactly what you did. You went into the classroom and took a seat with your friends, and shortly afterwards he came in, the man you ran into.

Of course, he was the new professor, you could have guessed that right away.

He waved his wand, and a name was written in curved letters in the air, Riddle.

"I am Professor Riddle, and we will begin our first lesson immediately." he said in a firm voice, scanning the classroom with his gaze until his eyes lingered on you. "You."

Of course, he had to choose you. He probably did it because you were late and because you ran into him too. Or it just happened, because this day wasn't bad enough already.

You left your seat and strode forward. But you didn't have much time before Professor Riddle attacked you. You barely managed to fend off the attack, but it was very close.

"That was good. Real dark magic doesn't wait until you're ready either."

After class, everyone was allowed to leave a little early, except you, of course. Professor Riddle wanted to talk to you alone.

You didn't want to think about what you had messed up again, but you stayed in the classroom until the last student had closed the door behind you.

Professor Riddle scrutinized you from head to toe until his gaze lingered on yours.

"Clever, a good witch and attractive too... what a stroke of luck..." he grinned as he stepped closer and slowly brushed a few strands of hair from your face.

"W-what... what are you alluding to, Professor Riddle?"

"Oh... you can just call me Mattheo, Princess. "

Theodore Nott

You were alone in the potion's classroom. In fifth year, you were so good that you got into the advanced class, and in sixth year you were so bad that you almost got kicked out again.

Somehow you got another chance, and now you're practicing on Amortentia, the love potion, because that will be the topic of the next lesson.

The door opens and someone enters. A tall, very attractive young man enters, and your eyes widened a little. He looked so handsome, yet you've never seen him here before.

When your eyes met, you quickly looked back to your potion, which was bubbling far too violently and turning dark. Damn.

Suddenly you felt a presence just behind you, followed by a dark voice close to your ear.

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