Seeing you again after a long time.

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Mattheo Riddle

It was your sixth year when you had to transfer from Ilvermony in America to Hogwarts in the UK.

At that time, you had to move to America with your parents after you had just finished your first year at Hogwarts, it was for a job your father had.

Your parents had divorced now, years after that, and left you the choice of staying with your father in America or returning to England with your mother. You wanted to stay in America first, as you had built your life there in the meantime.

But the thought of seeing your childhood friends again was more compelling. One in particular was on your mind. Mattheo Riddle.

He had been your best friend back then; you had known each other since you were little. You always hung out together. You had secretly developed a crush on him in your first year at school. You even kissed before you dropped out.

It was just a quick, rather embarrassing kiss, as you were just kids. After that, you lost sight of each other because you moved to another continent.

You were very excited to see him again, wondering how he would react.

Many questions were running through your mind. Would he even recognize you? You had changed a lot since your first year. Had he missed you as much as you missed him? Thought about you as much as you thought about him? How had he changed? Did he perhaps have a girlfriend by now?

How it turned out in the end when you met him was very different from what you had expected.

On your very first day, you were quite late trying to reach your class it happened. How could you make it when the last time you were at Hogwarts was years ago? You were already glad that there was no new sorting for you, you were allowed to go back to the house you had been sorted in in your first year.

You ran into someone in your distraction - Mattheo. He was making out with another girl and wasn't too happy about being interrupted.

He turned around and loomed over you, his eyes piercing. You recognized him immediately. The eyes. The cheekbones. Like you, he had grown older. He seemed more grown up now, more mature. And he was definitely even more attractive.

But your chest tightened when you realized that he didn't recognize you. His reaction would probably have been different if he had known, but his gaze remained cold. Almost threatening.

"Did you fall on your fucking mouth too? What's your fucking problem?" he spat when you didn't answer. You snapped back to reality.

You weren't really able to answer. The main reason you had come back didn't know who you were anymore. And as if that wasn't enough, now he hated you too. Great.

"I'm sorry, that was my mistake..." you said quietly, your gaze now lowered, before you pushed past him and continued walking quickly.

You couldn't explain it to yourself, but you didn't tell Mattheo who you were. It felt like it wasn't meant to be.

Of course, Mattheo found out your first name over time, but never your last name. What was the point anyways, if even the name Y/n didn't seem to help him.

From the moment you ran into Mattheo, a rivalry began between you and Mattheo, downright hatred.

You could never hate him as much as you wanted to, but he really got on your nerves. He would throw things at you in class, make inappropriate and insulting remarks whenever you walked by, and do other silly things like trip you up as you walked by.

You just couldn't and wouldn't understand why he was like that, so you tried to ignore it.

It was now the beginning of your seventh year at Hogwarts, and things hadn't gone well between you for even a moment during your sixth year, so your expectations for the next year were pretty low.

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