Victorian Era { I }

18 4 0

The cast in the Victorian era.
All are peasants except Kaede (who has a wealthy family), Korekiyo (who's sister married the king) and Rantaro (who is a noble's son).
Rantaro's sisters will not be lost, but will rarely be mentioned.
This will most likely be focused around Rantaro and Korekiyo (because I'm a huge amaguji fan), but I swear not all the chapters will be like this, I just really can't help it when Rantaro is the protagonist in this (sorry).
The cast will all be 18.
Last thing, blood is still pink.

-Amaguji (Rantaro x Korekiyo)
-Saimatsu (Shuichi x Kaede)

-Miyadera/Korekiyo's sister
-Arranged marraige
-Vulgar language
Chapter One:
The Noble's Son
Rantaro Amami, although his high class, was constantly shunned by other noble's and their families, due to his generous nature and kind personality. The way he would always donate to the poor and help out others that needed it would absolutely disgust nobles. This, obviously, lead to a ruined reputation, for not only himself but also his entire family. This built up resentment from his family and towards him, especially from his parents. How could their eldest child and only son be such a disgrace to their name? It was only natural they despised him.

Kaede Akamatsu was a girl who was lucky enough to be blessed into a wealthy family. Unlike Rantaro, she was greatly adored by all, especially Rantaro's parents. A master of the musical arts, she spent most of her time practising piano. And, in secret, she would do good for the community, for example, donating.

The Amami parents both agreed that Kaede would be perfect for their son, not because they looked good together, but the possible repaired reputation looked absolutely perfect. Besides, it would mean getting rid of Rantaro. They have 12 others kids anyway, not too late to try again.

Today was the day before Rantaro and Kaede's families would meet together at the Amami household to have one big dinner - mainly so Kaede and Rantaro could meet. Rantaro was casually wandering around the streets mindlessly, trying to ignore the stench and filth surrounding him, when all of a sudden, a rock came crashing from above, along with few glass shards, barely missing him. He froze. It was like time stopped. He felt paralysed. Before he could do anything else, the sound of glass shattering startled him. Again came more glass pieces, some stained with fresh blood. The sight of blood really freaked him out. He jolted his head upwards to see the reason for all of this.

That was the moment he realised he was right infront of the King's castle...shit. As concerning as that was (because how has he managed to walk up to such an important landmark without even realising it), the rock, glass shards and blood were all even more concerning.

As he looked up, he noticed a slightly broken tower window. The culprit. At first he was annoyed. But that annoyance quickly transitioned to worry. Why the hell was the window broken? And why was a rock thrown out it?!

It wasn't soon before something green floated down from the tower, and as it got closer, it became clear that it was a leaf. Rantaro caught the leaf and gently cupped it in his hands. He turned it around, and there was writing. In blood. Four simple letters.


Help? Help who?? Help what??! This was all so puzzling. But he wouldn't take the message lightly, his care for others made him take action.

He walked around the castle, until he found an open window, that was large enough to fit the average human. He looked from side to side, checking for any guards or maids, but saw no one. He took this chance to squeeze inside.

When he was finally inside, he ran around the building, hiding from the people inside, until he finally found the twisting, tall staircase.He climbed up them, until he reached the highest floor, which was the same floor that the broken windowed-tower was on. He quite easily found the tower he was looking for, and he noticed something: a cell. It wasn't that irregular to see cells and torture and whatnot in this time period, but it still made Rantaro's heart break a little.

The person inside the cell made Rantaro question his vision. It was seemingly a woman: she had long, navy blue locks of hair; a stunning, standard Victorian green dress, bedazzled with jewels; golden, glowing eyes; and bright red lipstick. In short terms, she was gorgeous. The sight of her made Rantaro's heart skip a beat.

However, one thing especially caught his eye. The blood. The blood that trailed from the broken window to her hand, some of the blood spilled onto her dress. Had she cut herself...?

Then the woman turned her head, and locked eyes with him. Her golden orbs immediately widened, and she was to her feet at once. She hurried over to the cell door (bars), grabbing her dress and lifting it slightly as to not trip. Rantaro walked right up to the bars aswell.
"Were you the one that threw the rock?"
She silently nodded. To this, Rantaro stared at her with concern written all over his face.
"Are you okay...?"
She shook her head.
"Please help."
Chapter End.
A/N: Nah I bet y'all don't know who the girl is...gonna be an absolute SHOCKER when y'all find out.
Words: 917

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