Chapter 1

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It's been a day since Pomni had first arrived at the circus but it felt like a week. She felt mentally weak. She just wanted to leave. She was longing for an exit, missing the life she doesn't even remember.

Whelp, atleast everyone here is nice. Well... most of them. Jax was abit annoying at times(which was all of the time).

However, Pomni couldn't help but notice that today, Jax was carrying... a sleeping bag? It looked like something was in it too. It looked too small for him to use so who was it for? No-one seemed to be asking about it either. Not even Caine.

No-one even said anything about it until whatever was inside started shuffling.

"AH! I just remembered!" Caine said,"Pomni hasn't met one of our fellow members of the digital circus!"

"What do you mean?" Pomni was confused, rightfully so.

"Introduce them, Jax!" Caine said.

"Sure." Jax replied nonchalantly as he unzipped the sleeping bag he was holding, "Meet our youngest member, Puffball."

"Youngest member?" Pomni stared at the sleeping bag as something, or rather someone, fell out of it. The look on Jax's face probably meant that it was an accident but he wanted it to seem like it wasn't.

The person that fell out of the sleeping bag was quite abit smaller than everyone else. She seemed childlike. Her head didn't seem to be attached to her body but rather it was a floating cloud of cotton with button eyes.

She looked at Jax with what seemed like an annoyed expression, as if waiting for an apology. "Sorry." Jax said. Pomni wasn't sure if he meant it or not.

"So, um, Puffball, was it?" Pomni said after a moment.

"Nice to meet you," the girl said as she put her hand out for a handshake," what's your name?"

Pomni hesitantly shook her hand. "My name is Pomni." Pomni looked at Puffball for a second. "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

Puffball stared at her for a moment before saying "I'm 12."

"I wasn't lying when I said she's the youngest member." Jax said as he picked up Puffball and put her on his shoulders.

"Where's Kaufmo?" Puffball asked. Jax was silent for a few seconds.

"We, uh, tried to talk to him and..." Jax lied, "he said he wanted to be left alone so it might not be a good idea to talk to him right now."

"Oh." Puffball answered, "When can I see him?"

"Eventually." Jax said simply.

It seemed out of character for Jax to lie like that. Maybe it was just that he had a soft spot for kids, it just seemed a little strange.

"Now that the introductions are done, we can start our next activity!" Caine exclaimed in his usual demeanour, "Gather the Gloi-"

"Didn't we do that yesterday?" Jax interrupted.

Caine went silent for a moment.
"Well, for Puffball, it would be a brand new experience!" Caine finally said.

"But I don't want to do it if they've already done it." Puffball said quite bluntly.

Caine went silent again before saying "Fine, I'll choose another activity!"
Everyone agreed.

"Let's play hide and seek!" Caine suggested after a moment of thought, "Jax! You will have to find everyone!"

"Fine." Jax said while putting Puffball on the ground, " Puffy, go hide."

After the game of hide and seek started, Pomni couldn't help but notice Puffball going in the direction of everyone's rooms. She decided to follow her. After a while she saw Puffball go into someone's room. It was Kaufmo's room.

From what Pomni knew, when a member abstracts, the picture on their door gets a red cross on it. Since Puffball apparently ended up here before her, she definitely knew that. That meant that she figured it out.

Pomni went up to the door and knocked. There was no answer. "Puffball?" She called out to her, still no answer. "I saw you walk in there."

When there was still no answer, Pomni decided to go and ask someone about it.

She exited the corridor and was immediately found by Jax.

"Found ya. Now I just need to find Puffball." He said.

"You've already found everyone else?" Pomni asked.

"They aren't good at hiding." Jax replied, "Anyway, can you give me a clue on where Puffy went?"

"I think she found out what happened to kaufmo." Pomni answered.

For a second, she thought she saw his eye twitch a little.

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