Chapter 2

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.this chapter will be shorter than the last one.
. These chapters will be shorter from now on so that I can acrually get them published before I run out of motivation.

After a while, everyone was gathered around Kaufmo's door.

"How did she even get in there in the first place?" Ragatha asked, Jax looked like he just realised something important, "Jax, did you give her a key to Kaufmo's room!?!"

"It was a long time ago," Jax retorted, "and she wouldn't stop asking me for it."

Jax went to open the door. It didn't open.

"Puffy, you can't lock yourself in there." Jax called to Puffball,"I also have a key to this room."

Jax unlocked the door. It looked just as unsettling as when Pomni first saw it. The only difference was that Puffball was sat in the corner of the room crying and Pomni had an idea of why.

"Hey, kid," Jax said as he walked over to her, "you ok?"

"You lied to me." Puffball answered simply.

"You would've had the same reaction if I told you." Jax said.

"What's going on here?" Pomni heard Caine ask before turning around and seeing him.

"Puffball's upset because she found out about what happened to Kaufmo." Ragatha explained.

"I see," Caine replied, " how about we chear her up with a new activity!"

Puffball had stopped crying by now and nodded her head in agreement.

"Excellent! The new activity will be..." Caine paused for suspese. "A drawing contest!"

Puffball perked up at the word 'contest'.

"You all will have ten minutes to draw the best drawings you've ever created," Caine continued, " & afterwards, Bubble & I will judge to see which is the best!"

Puffball seemed a little bit happier now. That's a relief. Everyone gathered in the main area(I forgot what it's called) & got ready to start the drawing contest.

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