Chapter 3

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The drawing contest had already started.

Zooble didn't really seem to be doing anything. Puffball spoke to her quite a lot to try & encourage her to atleast try to win.

Speaking of Puffball, she seemed happy. Atleast happier than she was before.

That's a relief.

There was something, however, that wouldn't leave Pomni's mind.

How long has Puffball been here?

It was already obvious that she's just a kid so she shouldn't really have been there that long, but how long ago did she get into the circus & how exactly did she get there in the first place?

"Pomni." Puffball waved a hand infront of Pomni's face, snapping her out of her thoughts. "You've barely done anything. Time's almost up so you better hurry." Puffball looked up at Pomni mischievously.

Pomni took a glance at Puffball's drawing. It was surprisingly good. It was so detailed to a point where it was really impressive.

Especially since it's only been 5 minutes.

She decided she wasn't going to bother Puffball with questions. Puffball's just a kid after all, she doesn't need any extra stress from trying to recall something that could very well have traumatised her.

Once the time was up, Caine gathered everyone to present their drawings.

"Alright everyone! The first person to present their drawing will be..." Caine said before pausing for suspense, "Kinger!"

Kinger presented his drawing. It was a simple chess peice.

"Incredible! 8/10!" Caine appauded, "what do you think bubble?"

"I'll rate it a 7." Bubble replied.

"So that is an average of 8!" Caine said.

It wasn't.

He just rounded it to the nearest integer.

"Next up is Zooble!" Caine announced.

Zooble presented her drawing. It was a circle.

"... it's... just a circle." Bubble seemed confused.

"Puffball kept pestering me to do something so I did." Zooble replied bluntly.

"Very well then," Caine said, " I'll give you an extra point for effort, 2/10"

"I rate it a 1" bubble said.

"Whatever." Zooble replied simply.

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