Chapter 5 1/2

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. This is a continuation of chapter 5.

Even though she had already been in the circus for a week, Puffball still felt homesick.

She couldn't seem to take her mind off it, it plagued her mind to no end.

It made her feel so terrible that she just stayed in her room & stared at the ceiling for hours on end. She rarely ever left.

She didn't really participate in any of the activities either.

One day, Puffball heard a knocking at her door.

She sighed & went to answer. It took a while for her sluggish mind to get her to open the door.

What she didn't expect was for kaufmo to be on the other side.

She just stared at him, processing what was going on for him to end up at her door.

"Hello," Puffball greeted politely, "why are you here?"

"You seemed a little down lately," Kaufmo answered, "so I came to cheer you up with a joke."

"A joke?"

He told a joke.

Puffball didn't really understand it but it made her laugh regardless.

"Tell me another! Tell me another!" Puffball said cheering up slightly.

They kept telling each other jokes & silly puns for hours on end.

Puffball found that she felt a little better after that & for a moment, she had forgotten about all of her worries.

This started to become a common pastime for the both of them if they didn't feel like participating in any of the activities.

However, after a while, Kaufmo started hanging around with Puffball less & less.

Until he just stopped one day.

The last thing he said to Puffball was something about finding an exit...

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