Chapter 4

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"Next up to present is Jax!" Caine announced enthusiastically.

Jax presented his drawing. It was a %#$!(cencored to keep it family friendly).

"What a great rocket, Jax!" Caine congratulated,"6/10!"

"I'll rate it a 7" bubble said.

"It's actually a-"

"Next to present is Ragatha!" Caine interrupted Jax before he could finish his sentence.

Ragatha presented her drawing. It was a drawing of the stage.

"Incredible, Ragatha! 9/10!" Caine exclaimed.

"I'll rate it a 9" bubble said.

Ragatha looked satisfied with her rating.

"Next to present is Gangle!" Caine continued.

Gangle presented her drawing. It was a drawing of everyone.

"Excellent! 9/10!" Caine said.

"I like it. I'll rate it a 10." Bubble added.

"Next to present is Pomni!"

Pomni presented her drawing. It was a jester's hat.

"Great drawing, Pomni!" Caine congratulated her. "7/10!"

"I'll rate it a 6." Bubble said.

"Next to present is Puffball!"

Puffball presented her drawing. It was a drawing of the outside of the tent.

"Amazing! 10/10!" Caine exclaimed.

"I'll rate it a 9." Bubble added.

"Great work everyone!" Caine exclaimed, "You all can do whatever you want while I think of another activity!"

& with that, Caine & Bubble disappeared somewhere, leaving everyone else to do as they pleased.

Pomni felt that they'd learned quite a bit more about Puffball now.

She liked to encourage people to do things outside of their comfort zone. She was also just a little bit competitive, she did immediately agree to a competition right after mourning the loss of one of her friends.

It was almost like this was her second home. It surprised Pomni how Puffball had gotten so used to this place. Which begged the question, how long did it take for Puffball to get used to being here.

She'll ask tomorrow.

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