Chapter 6

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After a while, Pomni noticed that Puffball was a little less enthusiastic about things.

She doesn't know why she noticed this, she just did & decided that she would ask whatever she wanted to after Puffball had cheered up.

The question is, how long will that take?

She decided to sleep on it.





She called out, but she wasn't heard.

She ran & ran & ran & ran & ran & ran & ran &-

What happenedto her arm?-

Falling, she was falling.

Above she could see people.

"Looks like another one's abstracted!"

"Guess not everyone can handle it."

"I can't even remember her name."





Pomni woke up & practically jumped. She fell off her bed & accidentally glitched through one of the blocks that were in the room.

What was that dream?

Before she could think about it any longer, everyone was gathered for Caine to announce the next adventure.

Puffball's POV 

Everyone was gathered at the stage waiting for the next adventure to be explained.

Puffball was holding Gangle's hand. Gangle had her happy mask on, Puffball helped her fix all of them.

"Today's adventure is..." Caine announced, "'Candy Carrier Chaos'!"

The word 'candy' had peaked Puffball's interest. She really couldn't guess what the adventure was going to be about.

"That's right!" Caine continued, "The Candy Canyon Kingdom has been robbed of its most valuable resource, maple syrup! It's up to you to bring this rotten bandits who stole it to sweet, buttery justice!"

"An entire kingdom of candy? Sounds sticky!" Bubble added.

"Very sticky indeed."


Puffball tilted her head in confusion. She had no idea what Bubble said.

(I don't know either but it's probably weird.)

Caine went silent for a second.

"Bubble, you can't say that."

"Hmmmmm, nope." Zooble started to walk away.

"ZOOBLE WAIT!!!" Caine didn't want her to miss another adventure. "I'm testing out a new AI in this one, it shoupd be fifty-seven times more immersive!"

This is what peaked Jax's interest.

"Ooh, a new AI. You don't wanna mess with the new AI, Zoobie?"

"Uh, yeah, no." Zooble continued to walk away.

Jax shrugged at... something...

"ZOOBLE!" Puffball ran to Zooble to give her a hug. "Bye-bye Zooble! We'll be back in no time!"

Zooble awkwardly patted Puffball's head until she broke the hug.

(I'm gonna try a different way of typing dialogue, let me know if tgis is better of worse.)

Ragatha: Whoa, sounds fun. What do you think, Pomni?

Pomni looked at her.

Pomni: So, our entire existence here is just... LARPing?

Ragatha looked back at Pomni nervously.

Ragatha: W-well, uh-

Before Ragatha could say anything else, Caine interrupted.

Caine: Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-canyon Candy Kingdom needs you now!

Caine then summoned a portal & shoved everyone through it except Zooble, Bubble, & himself.

The group entered the kingdom & were greeted by NPCs applauding & cheering for them.

Their carriage came to a halt & the all exited it. They looked around in awe.

Ragatha: Wow, Kinger, check out this castle. It's amazing!

Kinger: They've even got little candy bugs here. It's so beautiful.

Gangle: Yeah, this place is great!

Puffball: So many people here!

Puffball was still holding Gangle's hand when a random NPC bumped into them causing them both to trip over & Gangle's happy mask to break on the floor.

This chapter is a little bit longer than usual because I got a bit carried away. It came out later than usual because I wanted to wait until episode 2 came out because I ran out of ideas. I decided to put out some scenarios instead as to not keep you all waiting with nothing.

Hope you enjoyed:).

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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