Chapter 3

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                                Where are we?

My eyes opened and I was in a hospital room but I wasn't in a hospital. I wasn't even at home. Everything felt like a horrible nightmare. I slowly Moved my shirt up and checked where my wound have been but it was no longer there. I also could no longer feel the burning sensation coming from where it used to be.

I heard a sound out of nowhere and I flow my head around and saw a tall, very strong and attractive looking brunette with blue eyes. Standing that just watching me.

"You alright?" The man with the blue eyes questioned trying to hide the slight worry in his features.

I nodded slightly "I'm fine." I'm sat up, swung my legs over the bed and stood up. "Where's my sister?" I asked him coldly.

"This way." Was the only thing he said. I follow right behind him and he lead me to another room like mine and I saw my sister. I ran over and wrapped my arms around her so tightly. My eyes started watering and I didn't even cared. I just cared that clary was okay and safe.

"Tay, if you keep hugging me this, ima pass out." Clary stated with a laugh. I let go of her and put my hands on her face and started looking over her body to see if she was hurt in anyway.

"She's not harmed." A voice came out of nowhere. I turned around and saw the blonde sitting there staring at the both of us. Then two more followed a girl who had brunette hair and and brown eyes. She look happy to see us and then the the guy I saw in my room.

"A mundane shouldn't even be here." The guy stated with a frown on his face.

"Where is 'here' exactly!" I questioned before clary even could but my question was ignored.

"Their not mundanes, Alec." The blonde said to the other guy standing around us.

"How do you even know that?" The guy I assume was named Alec questioned.

"Because when they grabbed the seraph blade it lit up." he said turning to us sitting on clary's bed.

"I'm Jace Wayland." The blonde introduced himself.

"I'm clary and this is my sister Taylie." She introduced the both of us. I looked around seeing every exit and every way out. Listening but also making sure if something went down we would have our way out. After finding everything I could I turned back to conversation happening in front of me.

"I have to report this to the clave." Alec stated looking at me intently. As our eyes met, I could feel my cheeks heat up. I shake it off and look down so he couldn't notice my red face.

"You know what, dial it down a notch." Jace said softly trying to get him to change his mind, make him chill out and not make a rash decision.

"My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you Alec, but you have a switch that's always on." The brunette said with a grin causing me to snicker a bit. Alec turns to me with fury in his eyes.

" what's so funny." He stated.

" honestly you." I stated with a smile

Alec just rolled his eyes and turned back to his sister.

" I love you too Izzy but this." He pointed at clary directly.

I sit up and move closer to him about two feet.

"What do you mean this, she has a name. Alec!" I said with venom laced in my voice.

"It's fine Tay, it's not that big of a deal." My redhead sister stated trying to calm me down. I lead up for her and walked over to the corner and took a seat.

"Hey, you know what? Give me a minute. Here's a word you never hear from me, please!" Jace say looking into Alec's eyes.

"What is with you? Really! No what is with him?" He ask no one in particular.

"Walk with me, brother." She said then looked at me "come on Taylie." The girl I learned as Izzy stated firmly. As we walked out of the room i could feel their eyes one me trying to figure me out slowly.

"Taylie, are you biologically clary's sisters?" Izzy asked quietly. Alec elbowed her in the side.

"Excuse me?" I stated shock writing on my face.

"Oh I'm sorry, I just wanted to know because your eyes glowed earlier at the club but you that sword to." Izzy rambled on. I put a comforting hand on her shoulder telling her that the question was ok!

" no, I'm not. I was adopted by her mother after my parents passed away." I stated with a sadness in my voice.

"Oh I'm sorry." Alec stepped up and stated with a sadness in his features.

"It's alright. It happened a long time ago." I said forcing a smile. After saying that my phone started ringing I looked down and pulling out my phone checking the contact. "Oh shit. I'm sorry my friends calling." I said walking away.

Answering the call with a little worry.

"Hey Simon. What's up?" I stated trying to keep my cool.

"How come neither you or clary can answer their phones in two days." Simon said worried.

" I'm sorry, things are kinda going crazy!" I said.

"Where are you? Ours friends app says your at a abandoned church." Simon stated

"We fine Simon, go home. Call clary if you need anything. Please head home." I stated quickly before hanging up the phone. Turning around walking back towards the pair.

"Is everything alright?" Izzy asked.

"Yea. I think you two are about to find out." As soon as I said that clary run straight by us and I walked quickly behind her. the others start back in their conversation. As soon as clary,Jace and I walked out we saw a man dressed in all black follow close behind Simon. Before I could even get my hands on the man the was aready gone and taken care off by Jace with his blade as quickly as possible to protect us. I wish I didn't see Simon here. I wasn't as close as he was to clary but he was still a friend. I don't want him so see what we have seen and experience what we have the last few days.

Maybe next time he'll listen and go home.

A/n: I wanted to put more of Taylie and clary sister relationship in here bc I want u to see that Taylie deeply loves her sister but she's strong headed.

Finished: 1/21/24
Words: 1112

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