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      ⇢ My whole world froze they called his name. Out of all of the names written in the bowl my little brother was chosen. Panic began to settle in, tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. I heard the snickering of Mayfair, a woman who'd bullied me for a long time. I wanted nothing more than to punch her, hurt her the way I was being hurt every second that the words rung in my ears like daggers across bare skin. "I volunteer as tribute!" I heard that sentence and my head immediately snapped up. Gasps erupted from everyone as we looked around.

Liam. He was going to be the one to save my little brother. I covered my mouth in shock. "Well it seems we have a volunteer...uhm would there be any ladies interested in volunteering?" The man said skeptically in his Capitol accent. I sighed and raised my hand. No family deserved to feel the way I did in the games, leaving Jeremy behind was irresponsible but I knew my Pa would take real good care of him.
"I volunteer as tribute" I said, walking towards the stage, lifting my dress as to not step on it.

More noises escaped Mayfair's lips as I walked past her. "Sing your way out of this one songbitch.." I calmly stuck a snake down her dress as she began to scream as did everyone around her. Mayfair fell to the floor as it hit her and wriggled in her clothing. The kind only the wealthiest of district 12 could afford. "My daughter! Someone help her!" The mayor demanded as peacekeepers ran to her aid. I continued to stage where the mayor slapped me to the floor. He seemed to want to continue.

Thankfully a peacekeeper pulled him off of me as I groaned In pain. The same man walked to me, seemingly trying to help me up but I declined as I took a few deep breathes. "Just..give me a minute boys" I said shakily. Just then I heard the voice of a young woman, easily recognizable since she frequented almost every establishment I performed at with my family. "Can't take my past...can't take my history." She sang. Her voice was quiet, clearly not trying to make a spectacle of herself.

"You can take my pa...but his names a mystery." A man joined her. I looked at the ground and peaked over at my scared little brother, biting my lip. "Nothing you can take from me, was ever worth keepin..." I hired myself from the ground as I mumbled and looked over at the crowd. People who were forced to live as livestock and slaves, the people Panem sent to fight. The weak and feeble society that dare send its mothers and daughters, fathers and sons into a pointless war to atone for the actions of their ancestors. "Nothing you can take was ever worth keepin..." I continued as I slowly got up.

"Can't take my charm...can't take my humor. Can't take my wealth cuz it's just a rumor." I trudged over to the microphone used by the mayor and grabbed it, my feelings embracing my vocal cords and shaking hands. "Nothing you can take was ever worth keepin. You can't take my sass, you can't take my talkin..." I inhaled sharply. "YOU CAN KISS MY ASS" I yelled, slapping the microphone off the stage and taking a bow, the kind used to taunt an enemy. "Come on"

I muttered as I walked back with the peacekeepers, preparing myself for the scolding of a lifetime from my family who would soon visit me. I only had fo imagine it was about 5 minutes whole before it became a reality. "What the hell were you thinking?!" My Pa yelled. I bit the inside of my cheek. "I'm sorry, I saw Jeremy and...Pa..do you know how scared I was?" I whispered. "I was scared too but that was rash now you're going to.." He choked back tears. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Just imagine how the family of that poor little girl would've felt. Now that their baby is sent off to war and forced to die a meaningless death. My death will mean something to the masses because I refuse to die quietly. The same can't be said about that little girl." I explained, suddenly the door opened for Jeremy. "Hey little duck" My voice softened as I let him into my arms, tucking in the back of his shirt. "You look like a real gentleman." I giggled. He smiled and tugged my sleeve. "I'm gonna miss you..." he whispered.

Suddenly tears began to flow. Uncontrollably. I couldnt even help it, the first words he says to me in forever and they're now. Was this really the right dedication? "I'm gonna miss you too little duck..." I cry a bit, not caring if I seem weak to the world, all that I'm worried about is that I might never see him again. My precious baby brother. "Cousin Cynthia And Aunt Gretel are gonna take such good care of you, and Rupert needs you Jeremy." I tucked his hair behind his ear, slightly cringing at the dog's name.

Jeremy nods understandingly as we say our goodbyes. And just like that the beloved songbird of district 12 became the warrior.

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