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We trudged through the woods and didn't dare speak a word. The only sensation we could feel was the icy grip of fear on our spines. The woods were quiet not a mockingjay in sight. As it got sunnier my mood lifted and I decided to break the curse of silence. "Thinking about Serjanus?" I asked, clutching my purse. "Just wish there was more I could've done." He says blankly, "I'm sorry you have to leave this place." He mumbles. "They'll follow me someday" I sigh sadly. "You know what I won't miss?" He smirks slightly. I hum. "People" He deadpans.

   "People aren't so bad, not really. The world is just a scary place but every baby is born fresh as a daisy. So no one is bad at birth or something." I laugh. "Really, I mean it!" He laughs with me. "Not always that simple" Coriolanus admits kneeling to grab a stick. "I know I know I wish it was" I say, walking ahead. "Sure hope there's no blood on our hands up North." I grumble, stepping over a log. "Three's enough for me" He shrugged. I stopped in my tracks. Three? He only killed two? Who was the third.

   "I'm gonna make a walking stick you want one?" He asked. I felt myself begin to shake. I was never one to not trust those I love but something about the thoughtlessness of his statement made me believe that there was underlying truth to it. "You killed three?" I scoffed and turned around, biting the inside of my cheek. "No" He said as if I was crazy. "Whos the third?" I snap. "What?" Again with the tone. "Person you killed Coriolanus you said you killed three I only know two do not like to me." I scold him in a motherly tone. He grabs the stick and walks up to me.

   "Can you help me get this-" I cut him off, clearly tired of his act. "There was Bobbin in the arena and Mayfair and who's the third?" I straighten my back to seem more confident when really I was scared. "My old self, I killed him so I could come with you" Coriolanus lifted my chin and walked away upon hearing the thunder rumbling. We found a place to stay. "How about we stay here in the cabin and wait out the storm?" He suggests. "We should really get going though." I dismiss him. "We're gonna need food (name) let's catch some fish and get some rest, can't walk forever you know?" He laughed.

   I give in as the door freaks open. "If you wanna fish there's rods under the floor boards." I sigh. He doesn't respond as I close the door. "These ones?" He inquired as he stomped on the floor board. I nod quietly. He holds up a gun he found in place of the rods. He's smiling. "What is it?" I inquire, unfazed by his small chuckles. "This is the gun..." He muttered. "The one you fired at Mayfair" I hold my shawl tightly. "Spruce must've known about this place, we destroy that gun you're free." I admit. "You can go back home, will you?" I know the answer to the question no matter the answer he gives me.

   "No more loose ends." He mutters. "Besides me" I gulp. "Besides you... you wouldn't tell anyone?" He says threateningly. "Course not" I smile. "I'm gonna go dig up some Katniss" I stutter. "Thought it was too early for that?" Coriolanus says with his grip tightening. "Just to keep me occupied" I shrug. "(Name), it's still raining" He begins to sweat. "Well it's a good damn thing I'm not made of sugar." I laugh and step outside, running as far as I can and quickly. I hear him call for me and I don't respond. Fear coursing through my veins.

   I decide to leave his only possession of his mother's behind for him. Leaving a snake underneath to slow him down. I hear him scream at me asking if it's poisonous. It's not but I don't answer. I'm free for real this time. Not a man tying me down or a covey to care for, not a song to sing. A part of me felt bed for what I did. After all of our sweet moments together this is how it ended. After we saved eachother god knows how many times we ended up parting ways so suddenly all because of me when you think about it. It was clear he was crazy now. How ironic?

   The songbird who once sang such beautiful songs for him was the snake who ended up biting him in the end.


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