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Nothing in life prepared you for pain like this this. Fear like this. Being shoved into an arena to fight like savages because of where we come from. I walk in with the small girl's hand in mine. Her heart was as pure as snow, blindly trusting me. I knew she wouldn't make it but in my heart I wanted her to survive. Thoughts of my brother crossed my mind as we separated. I looked over at Liam. I don't love him, I don't. If im to really survive I can't love him. Because now I love the boy from the Capitol, the place that loathed me so. The countdown began.

"Liam...Liam.." I exhaled. I continued trying to find him in the chaos, I wasn't gonna leave him. I looked around carefully trying not to get hit by flying weapons or crazy tributes. The red head knocked me to the ground, causing mr to roll over in the dirt. My dress was getting dirty. Not that it mattered. "Liam!" I screeched as I finally saw him, I pushed past the crowd and ran as fast as I could. "Liam we gotta go come on we gotta get out of here let's go..." I panic as I grab his arm and take him where Coriolanus said we'd be safe. I take him to a room and crawl through a hole in where they try to drag Liam out.

I Grab as hard as I can to pull him in and succeed. The group is outside the door is still lively as ever and I can't help but think about my life until this point. The only thing keeping me sane is reciting the things I know about myself and not focusing on anything else. Every embarrassing move that I made, thoughts of death, me not knowing who I am or what I stand for are all things that flood my mind right now. "I don't want to disappear." I sob, my knees to my forehead. All of my fears are in one place and no matter who claims to love me I feel as if no one is on my side. Such is Life.

No one's really on my side...none of them actually care for me. I think carefully as I get up, slowly walking towards Liam, sitting next to him as he shakes in fear. I comfort him until he falls asleep. He hesitates to get near me but eventually trusts me. Liam is asleep. I sigh in relief and look at him, plump pink lips and gentle to the touch skin with fluffy brown hair. He's pale. Too pale. As I observe him a notice a bite mark on his skin. Maybe it's my imagination. All of our moments together run through my mind.

"Leave me alone!" A young Liam cries, holding his arms to cover his face from the rocks being thrown at him. "Hey! Beat it!" I yell as I grab a big brick and run to his side. "Are you hurt?" I ask, he shakes his head. "Thank you (name) you saved me again..." he smiles grimly. "That's what friends are for silly!" I giggle. "One day I'm gonna protect you, I pinky swear." He extends his pinky and I take it in mine as I nod. I had faith in Liam. He would be strong, he could do anything he put his mind to in my mind.


Liam was probably the only positive male in my life. He had nice parents, a decent living situation, beautiful sisters and a kind heart. With how many moments we shared it would be difficult not to love Liam. He'd never been angry at me, he always did his best to protect me and Jeremy. He loved me, he knew me, all of me and still he stayed. The good the bad and the ugly he was there. The first time I got the cold, or when I was starving myself to feed Jeremy he was there. All I could remember was the soft touch of his fingers on my skin.

The way he wrapped me in his embrace. Liam...I really love you. I'd fallen for you before anyone else. So that's why. It had to be this way. I had to. I just pray Jeremy will forgive me. I recite prayers to whatever god is willing to listen to the words of a sinner as I get up slowly and walk over to Liam. Except this time it's different from before. I'm not walking over to comfort him or tell him it will be okay. I'm there to end his life. To save him from the cruel fate of the games and what someone else could do to him. A quick death in his sleep.

I prepare to hit him over the head but drop the brick, allowing it to scratch my skin. I want a life when the games are over. One with Coriolanus where I won't be struggling to provide for Jeremy, where we'll be blessed with the wealth of the Capitol. Whether I loved him or not wasnt relevant. Survival was. Liam begins to twitch in his sleep aggressively. I Look over at him in concern. I touch his forehead and he begins to hiss at me. I back away quickly as he screams asking what I did to him. In that moment all doubt I had was gone. That's not Liam.

The brick meets his head and he passes out immediately. Passing out is the wrong word. He's dead. He's bleeding a lot and he's dead. My hands come over my mouth as I shake violently. "Liam...Jeremy won't forget you" I sob as I close his eyes. I notice Coral's group ganging up on me. I wasn't going to die like this. They take a swing at my knees as I fall to the ground in pain. I dont dare make it known. Soon drones come flying in with water. Coriolanus was protecting me... I notice an opportunity and take it, running to take a drink of water before putting the fancy powder into it and placing it with the rest.

I take the opportunity to dump the rest of the bottles out as they finish her off. Coral is cruel...too cruel. Someone like her doesn't deserve to win. She notices me and I make a run for the vents as it closes on her hand. She yells at them as I take a few breathes. I know Wovey is next and I try not to think about it. Dill ends up drinking the water and dying. I never intended for it to happen but it did and I feel nothing but sorry as her friend cries for her. Death surrounds me and everyone in the arena. Even if by some miracle I survive I won't have won. No one wins. That's the truth of this all.

I don't live or win I survive. When coral is finished she comes back for me, jamming her sickle into the small crevices in the vent entrance. Crawling backwards slowly I notice them waiting down below and sprinkle some powder onto Treech , he dies almost immediately. Where Coriolanus got this was beyond me but I could only be grateful in the moment. Suddenly and without warning the ground beneath me gives out causing me to fall right in front of Coral. Panic rushes through my veins as I run for higher ground. Then a large drone comes in. We all pause in curiosity as to what it contains and it blows the tapestry off of Dill's corpse.

A small peak at it tells me what's inside. Snakes. The fear I had dissolved slightly until I saw Wovey. Surely they'd kill her in seconds. Reaper knew it too. I didn't dare try to protect her, she was too close to it. I was going as far as my feet would take me as Coral tries to reach me. She's crying. "I couldn't have killed them all for nothing...it's not fair." She mutters as the snakes suffocate and kill her. The snakes creep towards me slowly. I'd won? Why was the game continuing. Why wasn't he getting me out of here?

They only got faster as I crept backwards. "You're headed for heaven..." I sing shakily. "The sweet old hereafter and I've one foot in the door. But before I'm to fly up I've lose ends to tie up right here in the old therebefore." My voice shakes and I extend a hand to the snakes, they weren't being violent towards me and I'd always sort of liked snakes. Even if they did kill me, what would it matter, Liam was already dead, god knows what the rebels did to Jeremy and Coriolanus just needed the money. I have them a show surely he'd be rewarded for my demise.

"And I'll be along when I've finished my song when I shut the band when I've played out my hand... when I've payed all my debts and I have no regrets right here in the old therebefore..." They surround me now and creep up my arms. A smile creeps onto my face as I get more comfortable. "And I'll catch you up when I've emptied my cup...when I've worn out my friends when I've burned out both ends, when I've cried all my tears and I've concurred my fears right here...in the old therebefore. When nothing is left anymore." My gaze averts to the cameras.

Capitol. The Capitol wanted me dead. No matter the reason I wasn't gone I was a beacon of hope to someone. "I'll bring the news when I've danced off my shoes when my body's closed down my boats run aground." My voice progressively gets more aggressive. They hear me. Not just my voice but my words. "When I've tallied the score and im flat on the floor right here in the old there before." Despite the tangles in my hair, the bruises on my knees and the blood on my hands I felt..

"When im pure like a dove, when I've learned how to love, right here in the old therebefore." I finish. I felt free.

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