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A/N: I will not stand for Eminem Coriolanus snow so he has his hair cuz I SAY SO😾

My voice gives out I can't sing anymore and I don't try. "Hey little guys, you're so beautiful. If I did here I'm gonna come back as one of you" I joke, leaning back on a pillar. Accepting my fate entirely. I lay there for the lord only knows how long until they rescue me. I sneak a snake in a pocket of my dress for good measure. I find them cute and when I get home I'm gonna stick it to Mayfair that's for sure. I finally get to perform but most importantly. I get to see Jeremy. The moment I've actually been waiting for. To come home to my darling brother. The train ride is long. Too long.

I'm alone. I sit down on the train and frown at the window until I arrive home. When I get off the train my brother and Pa await me. I push past people and run to hold Jeremy again, tears in my eyes. It almost doesn't feel real. "I love you..." Jeremy muttered, holding onto me as tight as his small hands could. "I know, I love you too." I sob, we stay like this for a while until we return home. Rebellion is all around but what does it matter when I know Jeremy is safe.

"Is it hot in here?!" Mot Ivory yells as the crowd responds in kind. "Well were plannin on heating it up a set more, the only and only (name) (last name)!" The blonde's country accent is thick as she announced me coming to stage. I pranced on, fueling my brand new dress and guitar as I get to the mic. "Well hey there district 12 did you miss me?" I laugh as they yell collectively. "Well I bet you never expected to lay eyes on me again and it goes both way but I'm back! I'm back I promise" Everyone is laughing now. This is what home was like.

Perhaps my only true love was meant to be singing. I gasp. "Is that bottle for me, come on you know I gave up drinking when i was twelve." I roll my eyes and take a swig. "Just to clear my pipes, now how about a song!" I cheer, proceeding to sing the song I sang when I was chosen as tribute in the games. This time it's upbeat like it's supposed to be as everyone danced. They're drinking, laughing, dancing. My heart was pounding but suddenly I felt the world stop. In a weirdly good way. Coriolanus was here? Was I delusional?

Perhaps Coral swung at my noggin too hard. Either way the handsome man had my attention for the rest of the song until another not so handsome man took my attention. "(name)!" Billy Tope yelled as Mayfair follows him trying to convince him to stop. He pushes past and climbs onto stage. Mayfair pulls him back. "You swore you wouldn't play with them anymore..." she mutters trying not to make their business public. He shoves her and a peacekeeper tries to intervene but he ends up picking a fight with them too. A large fight breaks out between everyone.

"I know you miss me (name)" Billy Tope practically drools out. "Hey! Get your filthy no good fingers off of me you crazy man!" I kick him down as he tries again, now holding my dress trying to tear the fabric. "I swear I have a snake and I will drop it right down your-" Coriolanus intervenes thankfully and punches him. Unfortunately getting dragged away before I can say a word. I retreat back Stage and make it out through the back. "He's here...he's alive" I chuckle to myself, heat rising to my face.


"What do you mean he ran away?" I raise a brow. Jeremy frowns and shrugs. I try to change the subject since it was grim. "How about a song?" I ask. The smile returns to his face as I put my guitar aside and let him lay his head on my lap. "Deep in the meadow, under the willow" I run my fingers through his hair. "A bed of grass..." He adds. Anytime I hear his voice I'm happy, he was getting better with it. "A soft green pillow" suddenly we both hear rustling. I jump, in defense mode, Holding Jeremy Close to me. It was Coriolanus. I losen up and sigh in relief.

   "They said I might find you out here" He smiles. I smile a bit and turn around. "My brother likes it out here, I still got one foot in the arena." I say dryly. He nods in understanding. "That uniform.." I look him up and down. "I thought you were dead" Coriolanus says with a gentle tone. "I thought so too" another dry laugh escapes my lips. "That's your brother?" He asks. I brighten up immediately. "Yep, my pride and joy" Jeremy stands up and hides behind me. "It's okay, this is my mentor, Coriolanus, he saved my life." I run my fingers through his hair, he only grips my dress tighter. "I had to come here, to find you."

   He admits without a problem. I smile a bit, my stomach begins doing cartwheels clearly. "Your dean he said that I'm lucky I survived you, he told me about what happened there..." I tried to finish but I couldn't. "I didn't have a choice, neither did you." He says, reading the guilt on my face. "Liam..." I almost cry but stay strong. This isn't a conversation to be had right now. I cover Jeremy's ears. "You're not a killer (name) (last name)." "Then why is Liam dead." I snap. "Why isn't he here with me?" I shake a bit as I talk about him. Somehow the mention of Liam doesn't upset Coriolanus.

   For he doesn't ask me if I love Liam, he just holds my face and comes in closer. "You're a survivor and you're safe." He whispers as his places a gentle kiss on my lips. Mot Ivory, A girl from the covey runs down to alert me of peacekeepers and I take Jeremy's hand. "I'll handle this, they'll want to know about the fight last night." I sigh and walk away. "They can't see us together." Coriolanus says shamefully. I know he wouldn't care if his life wasn't on the line so I agree. "There's a lake out in the woods, we could meet there. No one knows of it. Meet me here tomorrow we can check it out" I laugh and run off as Mot Ivory takes my guitar and we run off back home.

A/N: short chapter 😿 I thank you for the support on my tiny silly little book 60 reads as of writing means that people got to read what I work so hard on🫶🏼

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