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      ⇢ I wore one of my favorite dresses on stage today, singing a song I personally picked since Coriolanus would be there today. Everyone was slow dancing with their lovers and I imagined what it would be like if we weren't hiding from the world the entire song. Even when he left I continued with the same fantasy. It was then I noticed Serjanus missing too. I tried to dismiss it but it wasn't easy. Eventually (within a minute or two) the curiosity ate away at what was left of my willpower and I caved. "Ivory please cover for me, I gotta go!" I ran off to follow him. "Hey why'd you leave I sang that for-"

I felt Coriolanus's cold fingers through the fabric of my dress as he put himself in front of me. "Don't do it." He warned them. "You invite the whole town?" The man with the gun asked. My brain was too foggy to make a name to a face. "Calm down Spruce she's with me!" Billy Tope added. I immediately side eyed him. "Calm down Mayfair I'll explain later." "I think I'm done listening to your explanation she's not going anywhere and neither are you. My Pa is gonna string y'all up." Spruce hired his gun as they went back and fourth. "She'll get us all hung!" He explained. "No she won't, she's all talk no action."

Billy Tops desperately tried defending her. "What do you think (name) (last name)? Am I all talk no action? How'd you enjoy the Capitol by the way? See y'all at the hanging tree!" Just then it clicked. I didnt volunteer for anybody. She'd put my name in there on purpose. My sacrifice had no meaning. I wasn't brave...just stupid. I clutched Coriolanus's shirt until he grabbed a gun and shot Mayfair. I felt myself want to throw up. Not because of him but because of the realization. "Coriolanus what did you just do?! What did you do?!" I sobbed. "You Just Shot the mayor's daughter. If you weren't a rebel you are now." Spruce added. "You killed her" Billy Tope said.

"It's alright we're gonna be alright no one is gonna know it was us" He hugged me tightly as I nodded. My mind went fuzzy again until another shot was fired at Billy. I sobbed harder. "Hey, don't look at him look at me it's gonna be alright you're gonna go out there and sing like nothing is wrong and I'm gonna figure this out. I swear" Coriolanus explained, holding me close. "okay!" I sobbed and ran out quickly. I went back to stage and did as instructed until the night was over and words couldn't express how badly I wanted it to end there and then.


The next day Coriolanus was working, probably due to Mayfair's death he began surveying the area or something. He walked into a tunnel where I was hiding and I noticed him immediately. "(name) you okay?" He whispers. "The mayor is going to kill me Coriolanus. He already thinks it was me. If they catch Spruce or Serjanus talks..." I panic. "He won't." He tried to say but I cut him off. "They'll torture him for information. Everyone is treated the same here even peacekeepers." I cried. "I'm so sorry I should've dealt with the guns myself and Mayfair..I just wasn't thinking" Coriolanus apologized. I couldn't bring myself to be mad at him right now.

"I have to run. North like Billy Tope and the others said. Away from the districts if I stay here I'm as good as dead." I talk quickly and quietly. "What about Jeremy and the Covey?" He questions. "They can take care of each-other I just want to say goodbye." I shake my head. "I'll come with you" Coriolanus gives a shaky smile. "No you can't what about your family..." shouting is heard in the distance. "Look they're trying to send me to 2 and if they find that gun they'll hang me no matter what district I'm in. When can you come."

I go silent for a minute. "Tomorrow, dawn." I say, avoiding eye contact. "Okay, meet me by the hanging tree...bring the covey.." He smiles and runs back to work.


I stand in the crowd terrified. They plead for their lives but the peacekeepers show no mercy as they hang everyone involved. Everyone except for me and Coriolanus of course. He seems unfazed but I know deep down he's just as scared as I am. As guilty as I am too. We make eye contact but only for a moment before the hanging wraps up and we go our separate ways. It's about time for me to inform the covey of our journey soon to come so I quickly go back home. When I walk in im greeted by Katniss. "Hey there girl, you look so pretty today, you're gettin better" I pet her as she jumps on me. "Jeremy?" I call out.

He rushes down the stairs and hugs me. "Hey there buddy, Hey Mot Ivory." I laugh as I see her and hug her aswell. "Listen...we've got to have a talk. A serious one." I admit shakily. "What do you mean?"Mot Ivory seems scared as I sit them both down. "We need to run away. North." She looks at me like I'm a crazy person. Maybe I am. Running away with my mentor from the hunger games was hardly a popular thing to do nowadays. "You can be serious..." She gasps. "What about Katniss?" Jeremy mumbled. "She can come too" I kneel to his level and smile. "I promise we're gonna be safe."

"What about Pa?" He asks once more. "Pa don't need us, he's strong, he'll be okay, we've gotta go though, and Coriolanus is gonna come with us and we're gonna be free out in the woods." I smile for him. Not because I'm happy but because someone needs to be okay for his sake.

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