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      ⇢ The dark arena was dimly lit but the light that peaked in through the small bar like windows at the top of it. Allowing me to see my mentors face. The talking was loud and none of them managed to speak as gently as Coriolanus, yelling, scolding and even ignoring their tributes. I looked at them and bit my lip, looking back at Coriolanus. "I'm really sorry about your classmate she had a life ahead of her." I lied, not wanting to trouble him with my opinions or upset him in anyway. He let out a small thank you.

"Are You okay?" His gaze avoided mine as he asked the question. "Just a Little shaken. I'll be okay I just miss my Ma at times like these" I laugh dryly. "My mother she used to smell like roses...she died in childbirth." He admits. His honestly and openness taking me by surprise. "I was going to have a little sister." Coriolanus's story almost makes me want to cry. Same thing happened to my Ma but only Jeremy survived. My little miracle. "Both your parents gone?" I whisper. He nods sadly. "So you're an orphan, like me" I add.

"Guess so. I need you to sing (name)" He places his hand on mine. "In these interviews later. It's the night before the games and your last chance to win them over. I cant send you gifts without their money." Coriolanus pleads. His grip on my hand growing tighter. I look at him long and hard before sighing. "Okay fine I'll sing." Coriolanus smiles. "If you can get me a guitar I'll make it happen, but if you really wanna take care of me start believing I may survive this all." I purse my lips.


I walk into the arena with all the other tributes and my mentor. My hand is tightly gripping his as I take steps smaller than I'd like but I can't complain, at least I was moving at all. I slowly release his hand as we walk slower. One mentor demands the camera on his tribute and the doors lock behind us. Suddenly more light comes in and an announcer tells us we have 15 minutes to create a strategy with our mentors. I swallow hard as I see alliances being made. My hand covers my mouth as I nearly vomit. Liam doesn't stay close to me and seems to be talking to the freckled girl I never liked. He was gonna kill me when it came down to it wasn't he...

"Please...Coriolanus...don't let me die in here tomorrow, not before I get to say goodbye." I grip his blazer tightly as I plead until a round of explosives go off. I fall over onto his back as he lays on his side. The sand and rubble blinds me as I attempt to get up with the help of peacekeepers. I see a large object fail on Coriolanus and insist we go go back for him, freeing myself from their grasp and running to him. "Come on the gates open! He wouldn't save you!" A tribute yells at me as he attempts to lift me but inevitably leaves. "He would.." I whisper, trying to left the heavy object off of him, freeing him but still not managing to save him completely.

They drag me away before I can take his hand. No matter how loud I scream they don't let up. I only felt this way because he's my mentor of course, what would I do if no one sponsored me? I'd die that's all I know. I'd pass away. As we al get whisked away to safety I see Liam nervously biting his nails. But his face seems to brighten upon seeing me. "(name)!" He shouts, running and hugging me tightly, I feel warm in his embrace and hug him back. "You're so reckless! Why do you always..." he inhaled sharply. "Do you like seeing me worry?!" Liam is scolding me like he did when we were younger. It felt like old times and for the first time I felt like I was home.


"Good evening Capitol, districts. I wrote this song for a boy back in twelve and I hope he hears it." I take a boy and prepare my fingers on the guitar. "Once again you fell I caught ya, I'll never let you go again, like I did oh I used to say...I would never fall in love again until I find him ." I strummed the guitar and sang heartfelt lyrics to whoever would listen. They weren't listening but I knew he was because even when I speak nonsense Liam understands me, that's what love is right? I loved Liam and the thought made me happy. To love someone. To be loved. All of it was something I could only dream of before now.

Perhaps I should thank Coriolanus for my short lived happiness...

Lucky Flickerman proceeded about how the Capitol loved me. Despite my thoughts previously I didn't feel loved. "Now I don't love your odds but may they be in your favor." He said with a smile. I returned the smile and bowed. "Ms (name) (last name) from district 12!" He finished as I walked off stage. He said more about my big day but my brain chose to tune him out. I felt so many things at one. Perhaps it was impossible for me to love anyone? Was I broken? Was I not worth anything? Or maybe I was too caught up in the games to think about anyone that way. Was this was accepting death feels like? Maybe so.


"(name) (last name)!" Coriolanus whispered to me. I got up and ran over to him quickly. He wasn't adorned in that fancy Capitol uniform he looked like a normal boy. I'd be lying if I said I didn't fancy the new look. "You're alive." I smiled. He nodded and dismissed my joy. "Those bombs have changed everything, they blew the walls out so you can escape. There's a hole down in the floor, leads to some tunnels, I've tried it you can disappear down there. Ignore the weapons and run. Hide there. Alone." He instructed. I looked at him shakily. "W-wha- no no Liam is my friend h-he saved my brother I-" he cut me off. "You can't trust anyone not even Liam." He said bitterly as if he knew Liam personally and hated him with his whole entire being.

"Just lay low down there until it's safe to come out" Coriolanus's tone is serious. I know better than to make jokes when men talk like this. It's not threatening but rather nurturing. "Thank you, for taking care of me" I Mutter under my breathe. "I can't let you die, you saved me" He states it like it's obvious, I'm no hero. I begin to cry and shake my head as he tries to console me and whipped away my tears with a handkerchief. "It's okay I'm gonna get you home, back to your brother." He reassures me as our faces get closer but he quickly backs away and mumbles. "Is this real? Just tell me if I'm gonna risk everything, that song.." he continued. "That song was something I used to sing, my old boyfriend he cheated on me with the mayor's daughter"

   My words were rushed and panicked holding onto the mere thought I could live with this man's assistance, sounding more similar to the plea a woman gives for a man not to leave her. My voice holding him in place telling him 'you can't leave look at all we've built'. He needed me for the money and I needed him for survival. It was as simple as that. "Not him (name), Liam" I looked behind me to see a peaceful Liam. Sleeping unaware of my thoughts. "He's gonna die anyways, what's it matter." I shrug. "What's it matter? Do you love him or not?" Coriolanus seems unpleased with my answer that I tailored just for his Capitol taste. "I..don't" I finalize my answer: "I don't love Liam." He nods and hands me a powder compact.

   "I've seen what war does to people there will come a time where you need this...don't open it or inhale any small amounts could be deadly." Coriolanus explains. It's beautifully packaged. Prettier than I deserve. "We're gonna win this (name). Together."



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