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Melissa's POV

"So are you feeling any better?" Trevor asks. I frown and slowly shake my head. As much as I wanted to feel better, I just couldn't. My heart was broken. Jack was the only thing on my mind.

"You'll be okay" Trevor reassured. He placed his hand on mine.

"Are you sure?" I quietly ask.

"Of course you will. I am going to make sure of it" Trevor gives me his biggest smile as we continue to drink our milkshakes. An hour had gone by and we spent the time talking and laughing. It truly was nice to spend time with him.

I had arrived at home and went straight up to my room, I was thankful that my dad was asleep. I was thankful that he wouldn't question me about what happened and why I was so upset. My head soon hit my pillow and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. I made sure to keep my phone on the pillow next to me just in case Jack called.

Would he?

The next morning I found myself at the arena with my dad. The team had a few days off and they were now right back to business. I sat on the bench with my dad's clipboard on my lap. I looked over it as I attempted to read his writing.

"Hey Mel"

I look up and see Curtis giving me a sad smile.

"Hey Curtis" I mumble back.

"I already gave Jack shit. I have him an ear full when he got home" He explains. I give him a confused look. "Where did he go last night?"

Curtis shrugs, "I have no clue. He came home at about 12:30. He wasn't drunk or anything, but he never told me where he was going"

"He didn't answer any of my calls last night" I sigh. The hurt once again taking over me.

"I'm sorry he did that to you Mel. He doesn't deserve you, trust me" A loud whistle made Curtis quickly skate off but not before giving me a small hug. He truly was a great friend of mine.

I looked over onto ice and saw Jack. Our eyes met for the first time since our breakup. I gave him a small wave and he returned it. He turned his attention back to the team rather quickly. My heart broke once again although I didn't think it was possible.

The practice soon came to an end and I followed my dad to the locker room.

"I'll be out in a minute" He says and I nod. I watch as he goes into the full room. I assumed it was to have a pep talk about tonight's game against the redwings.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Was the first thing I was able to say when I saw her. Her blonde hair in a tight ponytail as she held her purse high on her shoulder.

She gave me a smirk and pointed to the locker room door. She wasn't here for Jack was she?

"Why else would I be here?" Miranda chuckles and she takes a seat next to me. The locker room door soon opens and the guys begin coming out one by one. Jack soon makes his appearance and his eyes go wide when he sees Miranda.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jack grits his teeth at her. He doesn't seem to be to happy.

"I came here to see you Jacky" She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Well I don't want to see you, so goodbye" He pushes her off of him and turns his attention towards me. He gently pulls me up so we are face to face.

My heart races as I look into the emerald eyes. The eyes that captivated me, the eyes that made me love him. I place my hand on his cheek and rubbed it slowly with my thumb. Truth is, I still believed that he didn't mean what he had said yesterday. Maybe he was angry? Maybe he was hurt? But he loved me, right?

"I'm sorry for yesterday Mel. I didn't mean it" Jack speaks. His voice is low and filled with hurt.

Before I could speak I am cut off by a laugh. Both Jack and I look over.

"What is so funny?" Jack asks.

"Just this moment. Especially considering where you were last night Jack" The devious look on her face confused me. I pulled back from Jack and crossed my arms over my chest, "What does she mean by that?"

"Nothing Mel. I swear" He gives Miranda a look as if he's telling her to stop talking.

"Tell her Jack. Tell her where you were last night. Tell her what you told me" Miranda spoke.

"Shut the fuck up Miranda" Jack is almost yelling at this point. The crowd of his teammates had formed around us. Curtis was looking at Jack confused, Nico was doing the same.

"No I want to know where you were and what you said" I take another step back from him.

"It was nothing Mel. Please just let it go" Jack pleaded.

"Come on Hughes, tell her" Miranda kept on going.

"I swear Miranda if you weren't a woman I would've fucking punched you by now" Jack yells.

"Jack was with me last night. He was so upset that you were with Trevor, he called me and came to my apartment" My eyes widened. He was with her? Of all the people to go to. He chose his old fling?

"The first place you chose to go was her house?" I ask. My voice barely above a whisper.

"Mel don't listen to her please" Jack once again pleaded. He attempted to grab my hand but this time I had ripped it from his grasp.

"Did you have sex with her?" I blurted out. Jack looked at me wide eyed. His mouth opened to reply but no words came out.

"Jack I am going to ask you again" I speak, I tried to sound firm but I knew the hurt in my voice was clear. "Did you have sex with her last night?"

Jack sighed his eyes filling with tears, "Y-Yes. But it meant nothing"

"How could you?" The tears were freely flowing down my face and I didn't bother to stop them.

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