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Jack's POV

"Alright everyone listen up" Coach Ruff's voice filled my ears as I skated onto the ice. Morning practice was dreadful. All I could think about was Melissa. She never left my mind, all of the looks I would get from coach weren't nice ones. I knew he hated more than he ever did. All I wanted was for him to like me and I blew it. I was happy when he allowed me to play again, but the games weren't the same without Melissa there cheering every time I scored. All of my goals were for her. I vividly remember pointing at her every time that puck would hit the back of the net.

"Get to it Hughes" Coach spoke, his voice stern as he skated away.

I sighed and began moving around the ice.

Melissa's POV

I wake up the next morning with a pounding headache and a sudden urge to throw up. Cursing myself deeply to never drink like that again as I take a sip of the water I found on my nightstand. I run the sleep out of my eyes and soon come to realize that I wasn't in my room. My eyes widen. I  looked down and see that I am fully naked. The air leaves my lungs as I see Nico laying beside me. Shirtless. I knew what had happened, I knew what we had done. I slept with my ex boyfriend's teammate.

"Stop staring at me" I jump from my thoughts when I hear Nico mumble beside me. I look over at him and watch as his eyes fluttered open. He rubs his temples as he sits up.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I blurt out. I rub my eyes once again trying my best to avoid eye contact. I had never done this before. I wouldn't have ever done this. What has gotten into me?

Nico laughs. He laughs a loud laugh as if he was taunting me. "We had lots of sex"

I roll my eyes, "Yeah I know that. But how did it happen?"

"Easy" Nico begins as he sits up. He explains the entire story from beginning to end. I look at him wide eyed at the events that unfolded last night. I shift uncomfortably in the bed as I try to hide my bare chest. He had already seen it, but I still couldn't help but feel self conscious.

"Shit I'm late for practice" Nico groans. He quickly shuffles out of the bed and runs to the bathroom to get ready I assume. I to begin to get dressed in a random pair of clothes I had found on the floor, they smelled like Nico. The smell was nice. I reach for my phone on the nightstand and see that I have missed calls from everyone. My dad, Reanne, Trevor and Jack. I wasn't sure why Jack was calling, but I was happy knowing I didn't answer.

I called Reanne back and her voice quickly filled my ears after the first ring.

"MELISSA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" I cringe at her yelling. My headache was going to get worse after the phone call.

"Don't yell. I have a headache" I whine.

"Of course I'm going to yell. You left the bar with some random guy without telling us. Me and Trevor were worried sick about you" she explains.

"Well it wasn't some random guy exactly" I begin. I debate on whether I should tell her who it was and what we had done.

Would I be a good idea?

"Who was it?" She asks. I stay silent as I kept my eyes fixed on the bathroom door. Would Nico care if I told Reanne? What if it gets back to

"Melissa Ruff you better tell me who the fuck it was before I slap you" She speaks once again. I can tell she was growing impatient.

"Meet me at the rink for the guys practice and I'll tell you. How about that?" I say.

"Ugh fine. I'll be there in 10" With that the line goes dead. I once again lay down in Nico's bed, wishing I could just fall asleep. The hangover I had was brutal, I wanted it to end.

"Hey do you want a ride to the rink?" Nico's voice breaks my train of thought. "Are those my sweats?" He adds, a smirk playing on his lips. "Is that my shirt?"

I feel my cheeks get hot. I couldn't help but feel the embarrassment as I slowly nod my head and get out of his bed. I couldn't find the words to say.

"It's fine, you look cute" He adds, I look at him with a small smile as I reach up and place a kiss on his cheek. I pull away and look down at the floor wondering why I would do that. I don't think this happens after a hookup. But then again I wouldn't know, I haven't done this until right now. I feel as if Nico could sense my embarrassment, instead of speaking all he does is place a gentle kiss on my lips. I suddenly felt a bit better.

"I would like a ride to the rink by the way" I finally speak. I chose not to say a word about the kiss. "Just let me freshen up real quick"

"No worries. I know this may sound weird, but under the sink are some hair brushes and hair ties from my ex girlfriend. I never threw them away" he quickly explains. I give him a confused look as to why, but decide not to question him. He probably has girls over all the time, I knew deep down inside I didn't mean anything.

"Thanks I guess" I speak as I walk over to the bathroom. I reach in the cabinet under the sink and grab the brush. I fix my hair quickly and tie it into a ponytail, I use the mouthwash Nico had laying on the counter to get rid of the alcohol taste. I knew that I would throw up if I didn't rid of it soon. I took one last look at my crappy, yet hungover look before quickly making my way downstairs.

How would I explain this to anyone?

Bad boy//Jack Hughes Where stories live. Discover now