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Melissa's POV

The drive to the arena was nice. It filled with conversation about our lives and about our personal interests. I had learned a lot about Nico, he truly was a sweet guy. He was better than what I had heard about him. Nothing compared to what I heard about Jack though. I guess that's why I loved him so much. I looked out the window of Nico's car and watched as the sun peeked through the clouds and lit up the streets. The wind can be heard whistling with the windows closed. It was a beautiful morning.

I jumped slightly when I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked down and saw Nico look over at me with a small smile. I returned the smile and placed my hand on his. We finally arrive at the Prudential centre. I soon hear the car turn off and we both open our doors to make our way out.

"Are you meeting anyone here?" Nico asks as we walk inside.

"Yes Reanne actually. She wanted to talk to me about something" I reply. I didn't want to get into detail about our future conversation.

"What did she have to talk to you about?" I can hear the curiosity in his voice. Do I tell him?

"Oh just something that happened with her and Curtis" I lie, hoping he bought it. He replied with a nod of his head and I felt instant relief.

We soon go our separate ways and I make sure to give him a small wave as I walk off to the arena seats. I see Reanne sitting at the glass watching as Curtis practiced.

"No fucking way" Was the first thing she said. She takes in my appearance and notices the number on my shirt. She looks down at the sweats and knew instantly who they belonged to.

I gave her an awkward smile as I sat down. She already knew who it was.

"You fucked Nico Hischier?" She asks. Her voice is loud and I instantly cover her mouth with my hand. I was thankful no one had heard.

"If I tell you, will you promise not to yell like that again?" I ask, my hand still over her mouth. She nods her head eagerly and I drop my hand. "I went home with him last night"

"No way Mel. Are you fucking serious?" I can tell she was holding back laughter.

"What the hell is so funny?" I ask annoyed.

"Well first off, you got shit faced at the bar, then you were grinding on some guy, and lastly I just found out it was Jack's teammate" She replies.

"Yeah, yeahI know who he is. Believe me I feel awful" I say honestly.

Truth is, I did feel a little bad for sleeping with Nico. I slept with a good friend out of spite. I did it out of anger and hatred towards Jack. I did it because of what he did to me. I fought fire with fire not knowing I would be the one to get burned. I'll be even more burned when Jack finds out. I know it won't be too long until he does.

"That line of hickeys on your neck doesn't help your situation either" She adds. I laugh lightly at her response.

I look over at the ice and see Jack. He looks upset, he looks hurt. I can tell his game was off just by watching him practice. The fire inside him looked like it had gone out.

"Pick up the pace Hughes" I hear my dad yell. Jack rolls his eyes and skates over to where he is. From the stores I had heard, I knew my dad wasn't taking it easy on him. I had pleaded with him to, but he ignored my requests.

The practice soon came to an end and I followed Reanne to the locker room door. We waited patiently for the guys to come out and the first one I am met with was him.

I looked up at Jack. His green eyes still had the sparkle I once loved. He looked tired, almost lost. But when he saw me, his face lit up. I couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness wash over me when I saw him. I missed him. I missed everything about him.

His happiness was soon replaced with sadness when he looked down at my shirt.

"Why the fuck are you wearing Nico's shirt?" He asks. His voice sounds venomous. He sounds angry.

"Why the fuck are you wearing his sweatpants?" He adds.

"None of you business Hughes" A voice from behind him shouts. I look over Jack's shoulder and see Nico.

"It is my business. She's my girlfriend" Jack speaks.

"Was" Reanne adds. "She was your girlfriend"

"Whatever. I still have a right to know" He continues. He's pestering me.

"We slept together after the bar dude" Nico smirks. Jack's face drops. The colour drains from his face. I can see the air leave his lungs as he looks over at me.

"Y-you slept with Nico?" He asks. His voice is low, "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"I can ask you the same thing, Jack" I reply as I look down at my feet.

"You fucking slut" He shouts. He throws his bag on the floor in anger. I gasp at his words, a crowd of his teammates now form around us. I wasn't sure if they were there to protect me or Nico.

"Jack calm down" Curtis adds.

"No. I will not fucking calm down. Melissa slept with Nico" Jack yells.

"And you" Jack begins as he walks towards Nico. "You fucking slept with her"

"I was drunk, she was drunk. I'm sorry Jack" Nico sighs.

"Fuck you Hischier. You're a bastard for that" Jack yells.

"You aren't together anymore. You hurt her Jack, why the fuck should she care about your feelings?" Reanne yells. My head begins pounding at the yelling fest that is currently going on.

"Shut the fuck up Reanne. I know you can't stand me and all, but you know what she did was fucked up. He's my teammate"

Reanne purses her lips. She doesn't say anything to defend me. She just shrugs her shoulders. I knew what I did was wrong, I knew what I did was stupid. I went down to Jack's level, I played his game. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me, but instead I hurt myself a lot more. I loved Jack, I never stopped loving him.

"I can't believe you slept with my teammate" He says. His tone of voice changed. It went from anger, to hurt and disbelief. Nico looked hurt, Curtis looked confused and Reanne had an unreadable look.

"Jack you hurt me. You slept with a girl after you broke up with me, the same day. Everything everyone said about you was true. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You really are the bad boy Jack Hughes and I don't think I can help you get rid of that title" I speak. Jack looks hurt. His eyes fill with tears as he pushes by me. I watch as he walks away, tears flowing freely down my face.

I felt an arm wrap itself around my shoulder and when I looked up I saw Nico. I just stood frozen in his arms as I watched the arena doors close behind him. My heart was shattered.

Bad boy//Jack Hughes Where stories live. Discover now