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Melissa's POV

I followed my dad into the arena. Another night, another game as I like to call it. I was against coming to the game tonight, I couldn't stand looking at Jack again. I couldn't face him after what I had done, I couldn't face him after what I had said. But what hurt most of all, was the  image of him and miranda together playing constantly in my head. I often wondered why he would choose her of all the girls in the city. Maybe it was because he knew her? Maybe it was because he knew she gets under my skin.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" My dad asks. I rolled my eyes at his question. He had been asking me this every time I stepped foot into the arena. It was getting quite annoying if I am being honest.

"I'll be fine dad. I'm sitting with Reanne anyway" I sighed. My dad nodded and gave me one last hug before making his way to the locker room. I let out one last sigh before walking down the crowded hallway. Fans cluttered the arena with beers in their hands and devils merch on their bodies. I spotted the occasional Sharks fan here and there, but I was lost in a sea of red and black.

I made my way over to the bar and decided to get a drink before making my way over to my seat. I knew deep down inside I needed it.

"One double Tequila Sunrise please" the bartender smiled and nodded his head. I paid for my drink and grabbed it off the counter.

I once again pushed my way through the crowd and finally found my way to my seat. It had turned out that Reanne had glass seats. Go figure.

"Hey, hey Melly" Reanne cheers as I sit next to her. I cringe at the sudden nickname. "Oh stop it. Every best friend has a nickname"

"Yeah sure they do" I chuckle. I take a big gulp of my drink as the warmups start. I watch closely as the guys skate around. I spot Nico and give him a wave which he returns. His smile is warm.

"If looks could kill, you would be dead right now" Reanne speaks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Look at who's staring at you" She points over to the other side of ice and there he stood. Jack. He looked upset, he looked hurt. But he also looked as if he was excited to see me. It was a mix of everything and I was pretty sure I was reading it all wrong. My heart rate picked up. I didn't wave, I didn't even smile. I just stared at him.

"I need more than just this drink to get through tonight" I mumbled to Reanne. She laughed lightly, "You know you can't just drink your feelings away, right?"

"Watch me" I chugged my drink as soon as I had said that. The drink was half full might I add. I wanted to gag at the bitter taste of the tequila, thankfully I didn't. I looked back at the ice and saw that Jack had skated away.

The timer had sounded, signalling the warmup had ended. I sighed and sunk deeply into my seat. I wanted to cheer him on, I wanted to wave at him with the biggest grin on my face as I watched him play. But I couldn't. I couldn't find the energy to.

Jack's POV

We were nearly halfway through the third period. The score was tied at one with the only goal being scored by yours truly. I subtly pointed at Melissa when I had scored. I wanted her to know the goal was for her. It was in hopes that she would forgive me soon. Although I had a lot to be mad at her for, I understood why I couldn't hold anything against her. I loved her, but I knew I had messed up. I was just hoping the plan Miranda had come up with would work.

I looked over at where Miranda was sitting and saw that she was with Reanne. She had what looked like her third drink in her hand. Her face was red, she was laughing. I could tell she was drunk. The game had gone on, I focused highly on the puck, trying not to let my thoughts about Melissa get in the way. Curtis skates around with the puck and passes it to me, creating the perfect 2 on 1. The clock went down with 20 seconds left, I took the shot and over the goalie's shoulder it went.

The horn sounded and everyone was on their feet. The crowd went wild, I celebrated loudly right where Melissa was sitting. I pointed to her once again, this time yelling that it was for her. Her face went red but I saw the smile creep up onto her lips. I was soon engulfed in a hug by the team as the horn sounded signalling the game was over. We had celebrated with the fans, giving them waves as we each headed off the ice.

"Jack can we get a word with you?" An interviewer asks as they approach the bench.

"Of course" I smile and skate back over to them.

"Your game today was amazing. You got 3 points, two being goals and once being an assist. What put you on your game tonight?" She holds the microphone up to my face.

"Well tonight the boys played just as well as I did. I know Curtis is the one that made the second goal happen with the pass so I owe it all to him" I reply.

"Do you think every game will be the same for you?"

"I hope so. Uh, I try my best to get the points in and get the wins for the boys so I hope to keep it all up" I say. The interviewer thanks me for my time but just as she was about to walk away I gently grab her hand, "Do you mind if I say one more thing?" She looks taken aback, the camera man looks confused but shrugs his shoulders. The camera goes back up on his shoulders and I knew I was being recorded again.

"I just wanted to dedicate this game to my girlfriend Melissa Ruff" I begin. "Seeing her in the crowd brought my the luck I needed. Thank you Mel. You'll always be my good luck charm" I handed the microphone back and skated away before she could say anything else.

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