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Melissa's POV

After an agonizing car ride filled with the Uber driver telling us about his life, we finally reach the club. The loud music was heard from outside and the sidewalk was filled with drunken people smoking what I assumed were cigarettes. I hadn't really been to a club before, the scene was never my style. I would go to the odd bar every now and then in college back home, but never a club. We had finally managed to get in and I began to push my way through the crowd of people to get to the bar. If they hadn't forced me I would have been cozy in my bed right now. I truly wish I was.

"Let's get some drinks" Reanne shouts over the music. The beat was beginning to give me a headache.

"Two rounds of shots, two vodka cranberries and a rum and coke" Reanne tells the bartender. The kind girl nods and walks off to make our drinks.

"Come on Mel, lighten up" Trevor adds as he sits next to me on the empty bar stool.

"Yeah please cheer up, we brought you here to forget about Jack" Reanne speaks.

"I know you guys did, but it's going to take a lot more than just a night out" I sigh and shrug my shoulders.

The truth is, Jack stayed on my mind the entire time. I couldn't get our memories out of my head. I couldn't get him out of my head. I loved Jack more than anything. I just didn't understand why he did what he did. The answer will never be clear to me.

"Alrighty here are your drinks. Enjoy" The bartender smiles as she places everything in front of us.

"To forgetting about Jack" Reanne cheers as she holds up her shot glass. I sigh but hesitantly take the glass and hold it up, "To forgetting about Jack" I say before taking the shot. The warm liquid burned my throat and the taste was unbearable.

Tequila. I immediately recognized it.

The both of them chuckled at my expression as I quickly took a big gulp of my vodka cranberry. The night goes on, the music gets louder, the lights get brighter and the three of us more drunk than ever before. I am stumbling around the club to get to the dance floor. I finally find my way there and sway to the music playing. I wasn't even sure what song was on, I was just dancing.

A pair of arms soon wrap themselves around my waist. I jumped at the sudden feeling, but smirked as I began moving my hips against his. The man groaned and held onto my waist as his griped tightened.

"Keep going beautiful" The man purred in my ear. The voice sounded familiar.

"I wasn't planning on stopping" I spoke. I turned around and pulled the man closer to me. I couldn't get an eye of who it was, but he sounded familiar. The thick accent he had made me realize he was foreign.

"You're so hot" the man growled into my ear. "Can I take you home?" I soon felt his lips latch onto my neck. I moaned softly at the feeling.

"I don't know if you can handle me" I smirked.

"I think I can handle ya" The man chuckles, "All of ya"

I soon find myself pulling back, I stumbled lightly but the man caught me. I wasn't sure who this was, I just couldn't put my finger on it. I didn't care, I wasn't sure why I didn't however. My mind was letting alcohol take over, my body was letting the alcohol take over. I wanted nothing more than to kiss this stranger. So that's what I did. I was shocked at my actions. Sober me would never even attempt anything like this, but sobriety was so far gone I couldn't stop myself. I wrapped my arms around the man's neck and pulled him closer. His hands roamed my body and I made sure mine did the same thing. I ran my hands up and down his chest.

The kiss was sloppy. Filled with tongue. A way I wouldn't ever kiss anyone. Not even Jack. I pulled back from the man and pulled his hand to bathroom. He chuckled but followed me anyway. Luckily there was no one else around. When the light shined on us I turned back and my eyes went wide.

There stood Nico. Nico Hischier. Jack's teammate. One of his best friends. He's the one I was making out with? He's the one I was grinding on? My heart stopped and all he did was give me a drunken smirk as he pulled me closer to him.

"N-Nico that was you?" I slurred.

"It was. I was hoping you would catch on" He whispered as he once again attached his lips to my neck.

"B-But Jack and you" I couldn't even finish my sentence as I felt him suck harshly onto my exposed collarbone. I gasped at the mix of pain and pleasure.

It soon came to my mind that what I was doing was wrong. I knew deep down inside that sleeping with Jack's teammate was disgusting and wrong. But I then remembered what Jack had done to me. The pain he caused me, the way he slept with Miranda after breaking up with me out of anger. He meant nothing to me, the way I meant nothing to him. Fuck it was all I could think.

I pulled Nico's head up and attached our lips in a rough kiss. I jumped onto the counter behind me and opened my legs so he could sneak his way in between them. He pulled back and fumbled with his pockets as he reached for something. Something I assumed was a condom. Was I really going to fuck Nico before I fucked Jack?

"You okay with this?" He asks when he finally pulled a wrapper out of his pocket.

I thought for a moment but nodded with a smile on my face. He chuckled at my reaction.

"I guess you won't need these for a while" the smirk never left his lips as he reached for the gem of my dress and pulled down my black lace thong.

"And I guess you won't need these either" I chuckled as I undid his belt, his pants fell to his ankles.

I was really doing this. No one was stopping me.

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