I enter the toughest school in the world by doing nothing.

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Whenever school starts, it is just eternal boredom, for 6 months at least, and for me it was... exactly the same. A gray classroom with no windows, a teacher that really looked like she didn't care whether or not we would actually learn something, as for the students, they were either very bored and just waiting for the class to finish or were chatting.

-Barry, can you give me an example of a repeating decimal?- The teacher asked me. -Let's see if you learned anything or if you just chat in my class.-

-I barely even say anything here.- I protested lazily. -A repeating decimal? 999?-

The teacher sighed, even getting angry at her students didn't work, no one was interested on this point of the year.

-What is a decimal? For goodness sake Barry, this is easy.- The teacher pleaded with his intelligence. -Look at this number.-

She then wrote 1.3 in the chalkboard, she then pointed repeatedly at the 1 and the 3, like a frenzied finger dance.

-Which one of these is the decimal number?- The teacher asked. -It's literally on your face.-

-The 3?- Barry asked, the teacher gave him an 'OK' sign. -Yay.-

The whole class said an faint and anemic 'Yaaay' along with him, but that didn't extinguish the teacher's will to try and educate the kids on what was the difference between 133 and 1.33, but Barry could only think that 13 was Wilt Chamberlain's number, and if he knew anything was that Wilt probably wasn't the brightest kid in class.

When the bell finally rang, the secretary of the principal came into the classroom.

-Mrs.Mclean? The principal would like to see you and Mr.Chopsticks.- The secretary said, provoking laughter from the class. -Urgently.-

Yes, this is my name, and no, it isn't a joke, I can assure you of that, my father decided that it would be a great idea to call me Barry Chopsticks as a joke, but the nurse didn't get it and put it as my actual name, so until I get to 14 years of age, I have to stick with Barry Chopsticks, thank you American Legal system.

-Hey man, I'm coming with you.- My friend Devondre said, we were friends from back when I was 5. -To give you backup in case you need it.-

We walked to the principal's office, which wasn't very different from the hallways or the classrooms, as it was also gray, but the differences were that it had windows and it was smaller, the principal, a middle aged man starting to get bald, looked very confused as he walked from one side to the other.

-Tell me Barry, do you know what this is?- The Principal asked, I looked around trying to find what he was talking about, but he soon started knocking on a letter. -This letter here kid? Do you have any idea of what this is?-

-It's a letter, sir.- I answered. -A common letter.-

-Common? There's nothing common here.- The principal said, giving the letter to me. -Come on, read the name on the front and then the letter itself.-

I looked at the letter, it was an common letter in any way you looked at it, but the paper was smooth like silk, in the bottom right he could see the writing.

To: Barry H. Chopsticks

Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, NY, EUUSA 5

Age: 12

From: Laguna School for Magic, Swordsmanship and Demonology

Innsbruck Center 1, New York, EUUSA 5

Postal Code 77083

Laguna School? I never heard of that thing in my whole life, but it seemed cool, apparently it offered demonology, whatever that meant.

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