Laguna Uses Chemical Warfare

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In the start of the next week I woke up very excited. What kind of wacky type of class would Laguna put together? His style had already been established as "Anything that common teachers wouldn't do." which left very wide open as to what he could do.

-Morning Barry.- Howard said, offering me toast. -You seem very happy today.-

-Your classes with Laguna start today don't they?- Janko asked, the crunching sounding of him eating toast filling the room. -Are you sure you can keep up with him?-

-Yeah, at least I think so.- I replied. -Laguna can't be more demanding than Mrs. Wallace.-

-I think that you will miss Merlin's book a lot.- Howard said. -You did get overly dependent on it.-

-Well, can't text Merlin now asking for his guidebook.- I said. -Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late.-

-We still have one hour spare.- Janko said. -How can you possibly be late?-

-I want to cause a good first impression.- I replied. -Arriving early will do it.-

I took the train up to the Main Castle, no idea of where exactly Laguna would host his first class, so I went to his office, which was completely empty, the magical bookshelves running like conveyor belts, bringing infinite books and artifacts, in his desk, several paraphernalia were arranged in a seemingly nonsensical manner, as if Laguna had just dropped them in a hurry, I noticed for the first time that he had some strange decoration above the window, in the center of the wall stood the Mosaic of the Concepts of the Universe, and by the side stood a little wooden house and a curled up white fur, in the other side stood a shield with a strange symbol, an irregular semicircle with a dot in the center, and by its side stood a strange thing, it was like a cannon, but gray and filled with black and yellow dots.

-Barry, I'm in the classroom 3-B in the Second Floor.- Laguna's voice echoed in my head. -Close the door when you leave my Office, and try not to trespass it in the next classes.-

And so I left Laguna's office, which shut its doors immediately after I got out of the room, which I assumed was down to some sort of Door-closing Magic spell. Classroom 3-B was in the end of a long hallway in the second floor, marked by an old and dusty wooden sign with fainted words

"scientia potestas est et sapientia instrumentum suum"

I didn't know what it said, or in which language it was written in, but it was a cool sign, and below it, in golden letters the 3-B was displayed, when I entered the room I gasped, it was adorned with greek columns in Ivory and Victorian windows with Golden Window Frames, the floor was made out of marble, so polished that I could see myself in 4K quality in the reflection, the tables were all made out of wood, in the center of the amphitheater Laguna was talking in sign language to Estrella, while a very old boombox blasted 80s hit song 'Never Gonna Give You Up'.

-Ah, Barry, glad that you joined us.- Laguna said. -So, what do you think of my classroom?-

-It's so good looking, what is it made out of? By the way, what does that sign say?- I asked him. -And why is Estrella here?-

-Welcome to Classroom 3-B, I built it specifically out of materials that conduct the Conceptual elements, so you have Ghanean Ivory, Roman Gold, and Ictorean Plywood, which isn't even from this planet, all of those help to make better spells, if you channel them well enough.- Laguna explained. -The sign outside is also very old, given to me by a Wealthy Woman that had got it from Dalmatia, in the Roman Empire, it says 'Knowledge is Power, and Wisdom is its tool'-

-Cool, who wrote it?-

-I don't know.-


-Anyways, here's Estrella!- Laguna announced enthusiastically. -I thought you were gonna be lonely, plus, I was bored, so Estrella is also in my Big Bang Magic Lessons Ultra Cool Course, or BBMLUCC.-

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