I get into a Royal Feud

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-You spied on me?- Sadie asked, outraged by my despicable actions. -Who the bloody hell do you think you are, the MI-5? Your name isn't James Bond is it?-

-Bro that's low.- Howard said, shaking his head. -At least wait 6 months before stalking girls.-

-Why am I here?- Leonard asked. -I never spied on anyone.-

-I didn't want to spy on Sadie, I don't have control over the spell.- I said, trying to defend myself, Laguna seemed to be having a blast. -I can even do it right now, I know it from my head.-

-I wouldn't recommend doing that.- Laguna said, tipping his lips. -The All-Seeing Eye can be very nasty when spelt wrong.-

-Right, either way, I had no control over it, it just happened that the first person that it showed was Sadie.- I explained. -It also showed me Howard, Janko and Laguna.-

-Yes, it ended there because I dissipated your spell.- Laguna said. -Otherwise it would continue to show other people until your brain got overloaded with information and the spell drained all of your vital energy and killed you, like I said, the All-Seeing Eye can be nasty when misspelled.-

-I got it wrong?-

-By a lot actually.- Laguna said. -That's why you shouldn't have cast it, you didn't specify exactly which person you wanted to see so it would show every single person in the world, all 8 Billion of them, human minds can't process 8 Billion different people all at once as your first spell, that's why we teach you basic spells.-

-You gave the damn book that deciphered the words!- I replied angrily. -Why did you give me the book if you knew that I would try to use a spell?-

–You'll understand later.- Laguna said, not explaining at all. -Now that Barry has been ostracized for being too curious, we'll go over Mrs.Bond's family matters.-

-Is this appropriate for us to discuss in front of them?- Sadie questioned Laguna. -You are pretty dense for a headmaster you know?-

-What discussion? I'm not making a discussion with you, I am merely questioning.- Laguna replied. -Don't get agitated because I told everyone that your family dislikes Barry's poverty.-

-I'm not poor.- I said.

-Tell that to them.- Laguna said, waving his arms, I looked back, only to see a man with a social haircut and a very impeccable suit alongside a blonde beautiful woman with a crimson dress that probably cost more than my neighborhood. -Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham.-

-Is this the uneducated peasant that lives alongside my heir?- Mr. Cunningham asked. -I came because I had thought better about judging you and your friends, but alas, you are as uncivilized as I had thought.-

-I understood about nothing that you said.- I replied, then I looked at Sadie who was standing politely, she had her father's tough face but her mother's eyes and hair. -Are you saying that Sadie can't live with me because my parents don't owe London?-

-No, he said that you are rude.- Laguna translated their language. -Please have a seat.-

Laguna waived his hand and two chairs materialized in front of the couple, who calmly sat down.

-I wasn't even rude to you two.- I protested, but they seemed knee bent over expulsing me from my own apartment. -I only said that I'm not poor.-

-Look how you behave in front of an authority and tell me, should I trust you?- Sadie's father asked me rigidly, I looked at myself and well, I was kinda inappropriate, my blazer was a bit wrinkled and my shirt was badly buttoned. -You dress like an ape and talks like a commoner with no education, my problem isn't all with your lack of nobility by blood, but also by act.-

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