I sign up for my glorious execution

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After getting death threats from the Moscow Maniac, the only natural course of actions was to go back to the classroom. We had already missed one class due to unforeseeable disasters, if we did it again in the same week the teachers would begin to suspect that we were just making excuses.

"So Barry, mind telling us how you learned to make Spirit Bombs?" Janko asked me. "I mean, any spell strong enough to still cause damage after being dispelled must be great."

"I don't know how, I just wanted to beat up Anatoly." I replied honestly. "I was already angry, and when I saw that he was going after you it just came."

"I don't think that I heard Barry actually chanting." Sadie noted. "I never thought that you could use spells without chanting."

"I also didn't know that this was possible." I replied, as we entered the amphitheater again. "Maybe it was a freak accident."

Next class was that of White Magic, or Love Magic. It was pretty much what you would expect from it, mostly healing or protective spells, an emphasis on Love for all things in the World, the usual.

"This spell is quite simple, but effective, mostly." Mrs. Margaret explained, and this time it wasn't apples, but weird small green cat men. "The spell of Healing, these are Sami Elves, they cannot feel pain at all, so don't worry, no elves have been harmed here."

After making sure that each one of us got an elf, she return to the stage and waved her hand, and a cut appeared on its left arm, but the elf just continued to play with my pencil like nothing had happened at all.

"Now you will focus on that injury as hard as you can." Mrs. Margaret instructed. "And you will say -May the Nectar of the Gods close all your wounds, Heal.-"

We all did as she said, and the injury slowly went away, except for Estrella, who made the injury go away in a blink of an eye, even Sadie who had shown herself to be quite good in Order and Life Magic could only make the elf heal a bit faster.

"Outstanding, Mrs. Morales, this is incredible work for a 1st year Student." Mrs. Margaret said, taking a close look at the elf, who started to play with her hair. "Incredible, it doesn't even look like he was ever injured."

She then took a look at my elf, and nodded encouragingly at me.

"Finally a spell that you didn't manage to misspell." Mrs. Margaret said. "Good work Mr.Chopsticks, keep up and you'll be able to avoid setting fire to the principal."

"In my defense it was my first day here." I said, petting my elf. "I couldn't possibly know that spells could backfire that horribly."

But she had already gone away to her stage, leaving me with an elf that was currently playing around with my pencil, completely unaware of his surroundings.

"That will be it for today, you may leave now." Mrs. Margaret said, opening the book of presence, and also picking up another one. "Oh and today is the first day of subscriptions to participate in the Coliseum, all those who want to participate, talk to me and I will put your name in the belligerents lists."

"What is a Belligerent?" I asked, getting into the line. "Sounds like a new sandwich."

"Belligerent is someone who chooses to participate in armed conflicts." Sadie explained. "If I'm not mistaken the Coliseum has three categories: Mage/Sorceress, Knight and Summoner."

"Right, mages are obviously the ones that cast spells." I said, feeling very smart at myself. "But what about Knights and Summoners?"

"Knights are students that choose Swordsmanship." Janko said in front of me. "Summoners are probably those that choose Demonology, although Beast Tamers could also possibly join? I'm not sure."

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