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*4 months later*

...... What day was it?

You were sure you had class today-- or did you miss it.. again? What fucking time was it?

You looked at your astronaut clock and groaned. It was 4:12am and you could hear little Wormie rustling around in his bassinet. Aka (Jeremy Mahoraga Fushiguro) He began to whine.

You felt someone shift beside you. You stopped your baby momma and pushed him back down onto the bed. "I got him this time Gumi. Go back to sleep."

You didn't have to tell him twice. Megumi was out!

What was Megumi doing in your room? And what was his worm child doing here too? Well .-- guess who was suckered into signing rhe birthday certificate as the daddy?! Yeah, your ass!.. but you happily did it for Gumi Bear. (More like Yuji won two rounds of rock paper scissors.)

The bright side was you weren't in your dorm by yourself anymore. It got lonely fast-- you always had some kind of roommate with you.

It wasn't too bad.

Plus it turns out the worm could change it's form sometimes. It could turn into a normal baby that looked just like Megumi. But he seemed to prefer the worm form more than the other. You guessed that was normal when the real dad was some sort of butterfly?

You cursed under your breath and picked up Jeremy and shoved a premade bottle of some kind of caterpillar food Mahito had gotten into his mouth. "Fucking Leon... Pulling a Toji and ghosting Megumi." You looked down at Wormie as he sucked down the brownish liquid. "How much you wanna bet your daddy's gonna pop up in 14-15 years." You then looked at Megumi. "They say every girl grows up to marry her father, I wonder if that counts for your mom? Does that make me Toji? I don't really like milk too much.."

Wormie just stared at you while he sounded like a pug trying to breath while he ate.



Speaking of dead beat dads..

You stood at your door and stared up at Toji. A fuckin puddle forming under you.. (Toxic men must be your favorite..) *same...*

Toji scratched his head. "My grandson ready?"

Megumi sighed and moved you out of the way. Wormie was in his baby form-- *Poof!*
Nevermind... He was a worm again.

Toji just put Jeremy around his neck like a gym towel. It took you a minute but you finally broke out of your horny girl stage. "He already ate this morning and should be good for a few hours. He has a small diaper rash but the cream is in his bag. And if you run out of food just call me or Megumi.."

Toji snorted. "Not my first kid sweetheart."

You deadpanned. "Megumi wasn't shitting in his pants and technically didn't need you anymore when you came back."

Toji clicked his tongue. "Ouch.. Why you being such a bitch babe? Not getting enough dick?"

Before you could tell him off.. Megumi rolled his eyes and pushed his dad out and slammed the door. "Leave her alone. And take care of my son. Don't be you! Be a normal grandfather!"

Toji just stared at the door. Why was his son being a bitch too? Were you not giving it up? Didn't you live together? That's like unlimited pussy-- whatever. He patted his grandsons head and headed off. Grandma was getting impatient waiting on her grandchild anyways.

What Toji didn't understand was this would be the longest you and Megumi went without Jeremy. He was spending the weekend at his grandparents so Megumi could get some sleep and out of the dorm. He's just been attending his classes, picking up Jeremy and the shrooms from daycare, then back to your dorm. Poor baby didn't even leave to get food, it was always delivered.-- but your moods were all over the place. The need to sleep, the need to let loose, the worry something will happen to Jeremy.. You and Megumi have never been this stressed or sober before..

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