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Did y'all read the underlined words in the last chapter? 🫠


Aht-aht! Don't try to go back now. Keep reading!😠

* 2 months later..*

You've never been to one of the school's football games before. But when your ex husband invited you to watch Geto's last game with him...

Gojo wouldn't take no for an answer. Eh.. Why not? Plus you promised Sukuna you'd cheer him on too.

You tried to ask your baby momma to come but Megumi just wanted to stay in. He's been happily snuggled up in bed all day. He said he was just happy to be back in the dorm with you. And to be surrounded by your smell.

Come to think of it.. he's been a bit clingy-- And horny..

You thought it was a little weird but it was cool. It's kind of cute too, seeing him in different moods instead of gloomy. You'd have to ask Mahito if Megumi had this weird other world heat going on when you see him later.

When you approached the bleachers you heard your name.

Wtf? Gojo was waving at you to come sit with him. But what got you was he was surrounded by other girls-- every one looked bitchier than the other. Why were all the mean girls surrounding him? Was he okay?!

When you got closer to him, Gojo pulled down his shades a bit and gave the nastiest look to the girl next to him. "Move your ass to the back bitch."

She jumped up and moved to sit behind him. You couldn't believe it.. She looked so scared of him but at the same time she looked like she wanted-- no, needed his approval.. But you knew this girl was mean, no good, judgemental, rich and spoiled by mom and dad..

You slowly sat next to Gojo as all these bitches stared at you.

Gojo huffed. "What?! What's got you bitches looking at her like she doesn't belong? If you wanna act up you can go sit at the bottom bleachers with the side hoes. Is that what you stank skanks want?"

They all looked down and mumbled quiet "no's".

You looked at Gojo. "Damn Satoru. I've never seen this side of you."

That mean bitch attitude was gone after he snorted and waved you off. "Sorry. But I gotta be mean around these snotty females. If they see weakness they'll take that as an okay to try and take my throne."

A loud whistle cut you off. Everyone was cheering.. Gojo stood up and yelled to the field. "Get them baby!! Get em!!"

You looked around. "What's going on? I don't understand football?"

Gojo shrugged. "No clue. But when everyone from our school cheers I do to."

You shrugged. If it works for him--

"Baby cakes! Wad up shawty!"

👺 "My favorite hole! Look at us before this bitch starts crying!"

You looked and saw Sukuna on the field. He looked annoyed-- they had him in his scary (hot) 8ft form and his uniform was just hanging on by threads.

You smiled and waved at him. He rolled his eyes and waved back.

He was so happy you were there! You just knew it!


You hugged a sweaty Geto as he walked up to you and Satoru. They had won the game.. you assumed?

He squeezed you and then let you go to give his boyfriend a kiss.

"You were awesome out there Suguru. But that poor guy you knocked out.."

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