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Geto ran his hand down his face. He packed a quick bag and left his dorm room in a hurry.

Sukuna was driving like a mad man--

Yuji's stomach growled. "We didn't even get any snacks! What kind of road trip doesn't have snacks?".

Sukuna threw a half eaten bag of chips he found under the seat. "Shut up and eat it."

.... They were stale. He'd still eat it though. "Cheap ass. It's not like she's going anywhere. She's probably passed out already-- hopefully somewhere safe.."

Geto sighed. "Where even are they? You said you'd tell me what the fucks going on when I got back into the van--"

Geto's phone went off again. Everyone's did-- those who weren't driving pulled them out and watched a black screen finally turn into something they could actually see.

Gojo snorted. "I did it baby! I fixed it."

Who was Gojo talking to?--

The camera panned over to you. What the fuck were you wearing?! You had on your pants and shoes but your top half was just a sparkly bra-- you had feathers on your ass and head! You know, the hats and tails the call girls wear in Vegas.. They were both sparkly and blue.

The camera went back to Gojo's face. The camera was nearly in his nose.. "Sorry to say ladies but THE GOJO SATORU is officially off the market."

Was he drunk? His voice was a bit slurred. Everyone either choked, shit themselves, or hung their mouths open *Gasp!*. Sukuna almost crashed into a light pole..

A silver ring covered in little diamonds was on Gojo's finger.-- The marriage finger!

Geto's eyes widened-- "The fuck? Is that--"

Gojo looked like he was skipping twords your body as you leaned over a trashcan.

"Gojo I'm so fucking scared right now--"

Your loser husband ignored you as you began to puke something blue into the trash. He picked up your hand with a cheesy smile.

"Shit! wrong hand."

He picked up your left hand and showed your fingers to the camera...

Nobara's mouth dropped. "Look at the fucking size of that rock! She's going to sprain her finger if she lifts it wrong!"

Yuji gulped when he looked at Geto's face. "Are you okay? They're drunk--"

Geto scoffed and shook his head. "I know that. I have eyes. They're obviously intoxicated but sometimes wrong-- and I'm pissed because that's Satoru's grandmother's ring. That means that old bitch probably put them up to it."

Gojo laughed in his live. "Guess we're gonna have to go consummate the marriage now--"

You were dry heaving like a cat trying to cough up a hairball. Gojo gagged a bit when you began to puke up something purple. What did you eat that was purple? Was that a gummy bear?

Gojo burped and had to use the trashcan for balance. He watched you fall on your ass after you were done. Eyes Droopy, puke on the side of your mouth, your feather hat leaning to the side.

"God-- I think I love you."

You stared at the ground and pouted. "Gojo-- I'm hungry." You looked around with wide eyes and struggled to get up. "Let's go find hot dogs-- I want a hot dog reallll bad."

He snorted. " I'll give you a hotdog if you want one so bad."

The dirty joke went over your head as you drunkinglylelele stumbled away. "I gotta pee."

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