Prologue 2

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The most enchanting moment is when we look into someone's eyes and the thing we see is pure love. It's very difficult to survive in this judgemental world,so finding love in someone's eyes is even more worse.

Things might change gradually or in a moment. We can't predict how our life will go. Even if its positive or negative, we should be able to face it. And that's when we actually become the star of our life.

Having fame or money is just not everything. But in some way , that too is nessesary. Running behind something and getting bored after achieving it , it's just obsession . It can't be said as love. Love is something that is craved by soul. It feels like burning and quenching at the same time. In our life,mainly we meet so many people who has connections with us but only a single soul can move our heart . I have always heard about it. But never felt the same.

It's been just a week since we all came back from military service. But something which was the most unexpected was a dating scandal right after the arrival.

'So much things were going behind us but we didn't knew.'

'I don't think it's true.'

'They should breakup right now.'

'Don't interfere in their lives.'

'They are betrayers.'

'We didn't expect this from u jimin.'

'We trusted u.'

'I regret stanning them.'

'They have the right to date.'

'Let them be them.'

'One scandal and it over. I knew it.'

' Should be shame on yourself. '

' I hope you'll solve it wisely.'

Jimin: I know, things are very difficult now. But i know it will change. Everytime I get in the stage and look at those innocent eyes of army filled with respect and love , everything gets better. I won't let some stupid things ruin my life, cuz I know if I'm right then right things will come to me. And so will true love of mine , cuz I believe in it.

~Even after being surrounded by millions, my soul still aches for you.

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