Chapter : 23

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Jimin's mind raced, the memory of their accidental kiss playing on an endless loop in his thoughts. Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, he struggled to find the right words to explain his distracted state. "I... I'm fine, Hyung," he replied, his voice distant as he wrestled with his inner turmoil. "Just... lost in thought."

The words spilled out before he could stop them, tinged with a hint of the profound sensation that still lingered from their brief but unforgettable kiss.

His confession hung in the air, leaving the members momentarily speechless. Suga's eyebrows furrowed in concern, while Jin and V exchanged puzzled glances. Jungkook, always perceptive, shot Jimin a unknowing look, recognizing the unspoken turmoil behind his cryptic words.

Before anyone could respond, Jimin forced a shaky smile, attempting to brush off the gravity of his confession. "Sorry, I must sound like I'm losing it, just need time to process" he chuckled weakly, though the weight of his emotions still hung heavy in the air.

The members exchanged a glance, their concern evident, but they chose to respect Jimin's privacy, understanding that sometimes words failed to capture the depth of one's feelings. With a reassuring pat on the back, they left Jimin to his thoughts, trusting that he would find his way back from the emotional storm raging within him.

Alone once again, Jimin closed his eyes, allowing himself to be consumed by the memory of their kiss, relishing in the bittersweet ache it left in its wake. In that moment, he understood that some experiences transcended words, existing only in the quiet recesses of the heart....a truth he was beginning to realize in his growing connection with YN.

Suga closed the door gently behind him and walked over to Jimin, who was sitting on the floor where lamp had broke. The calm after the commotion gave Suga the perfect moment to address his concerns more privately.

"Jimin, I've noticed you've been... different, lately. What's going on with you? You can tell me, you know," Suga said, his voice low and earnest. He sat down beside Jimin, giving him a reassuring presence.

Jimin hesitated at first, his eyes tracing the patterns on the floor, weighing the reality of his experiences against how unbelievable they would sound. But seeing Suga's genuine concern, he decided to confide in him.

"Hyung, this is going to sound crazy, but..." Jimin started slowly, "I've been seeing someone. Not someone you can see, I mean. She's a soul, a spirit, maybe. Her name is YN."

Suga's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he didn't interrupt, which Jimin took as a sign to continue.

"She's kind and beautiful, and she's stuck here, I think. We've been spending time together. She can interact with the physical world somewhat, like pick up objects, but she's invisible to everyone but me. I know how it sounds, but it's true," Jimin confessed, his gaze lifting to meet Suga's, searching for a sign of disbelief or ridicule.

To Jimin's relief, Suga didn't laugh or scoff. Instead, he nodded slowly, processing the information. "I believe you, Jimin. It's unusual, but I've heard stranger things in the world. How do you feel about all this?" Suga asked, his tone supportive yet curious.

Jimin continued, his voice filled with a mix of awe and uncertainty. "Hyung, she's the same girl from those news stories, the one who was hit by a car. And she's also the girl I've been chasing in my dreams. It's all connected somehow."

Suga's mouth dropped open, his usual composed demeanor giving way to astonishment. "Oh my God, Jimin, what are you even saying?" he exclaimed, the implications of Jimin's story hitting him fully.

Suga's expression shifted to one of shock as he processed Jimin's words. Jimin's words were rolling in his mind. "Jimin, are you sure you're not hallucinating all this? It sounds... intense." To which Jimin nodded his head.

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