Chapter : 22

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The morning light streamed softly through the curtains as Jimin slowly woke from a peaceful sleep. The events of the previous night felt like distant echoes in his mind, softened by the comforting presence beside him. As his senses sharpened, he realized that YN was not just beside him but was actually hugging him, her arms wrapped gently around his waist. What truly surprised him, however, was the steady, even breaths she was taking....YN was sleeping.

Jimin's heart swelled with a mix of excitement and curiosity. Both he and YN had assumed that, as a soul, sleep was beyond her capabilities. Yet, here she was, clearly in a state of slumber. The realization that YN could experience something so human as sleep brought a warm smile to his face.

Eager to understand more about this unexpected development, Jimin gently nudged YN, hoping to wake her. But instead of opening her eyes, she murmured sleepily, without lifting her eyelids, "Let me sleep more." Her voice was soft and content, a stark contrast to her usual energetic demeanor.

Hearing her speak so naturally in her sleep, Jimin couldn't help but chuckle softly. The sound was light and filled with affection, as he marveled at the simple, human request coming from YN. He decided not to wake her further, allowing her the comfort and rest she seemed to need so deeply.

As he lay there, watching her sleep, Jimin thought about the implications of this moment. YN sleeping next to him not only deepened the mystery of her existence but also bridged the gap between her spectral form and human experiences. It made him wonder about the other possibilities that might exist for her, about the depths of connection they might still explore.

Instead of pondering too deeply, Jimin chose to enjoy the tranquility of the moment. He adjusted his position slightly to make YN more comfortable, then settled back, his eyes tracing the peaceful expression on her face. In the quiet of the morning, with the soft light painting shadows across the room, Jimin felt a profound sense of contentment. He breathed in deeply, syncing his breath with YN's slower, sleeping rhythm, and closed his eyes, a smile lingering on his lips.

For now, the questions could wait. Right now, it was just about this peaceful moment, a shared connection that seemed to defy the boundaries of their peculiar circumstances. As Jimin drifted back toward sleep, the world outside continued to awaken, but inside that room, time seemed to stand still, wrapped in the silent affirmation of their growing bond.

 As Jimin drifted back toward sleep, the world outside continued to awaken, but inside that room, time seemed to stand still, wrapped in the silent affirmation of their growing bond

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As the morning progressed, the room warmed with the golden hue of the sun rising higher in the sky. Jimin lay still, lost in thought, reveling in the serene moment as YN continued to sleep beside him. His mind wandered through the possibilities of her newfound ability to sleep. It was a small, yet significant, sign that perhaps there were more aspects of human life she could experience despite her spectral nature.

Eventually, YN stirred beside him, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal sleepy, surprised eyes as she adjusted to the morning light. She blinked a few times, looking around the room before her gaze settled on Jimin.

Entangled Souls {Jimin FF}Where stories live. Discover now