Chapter: 8

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Author's pov

Yn :" But.... he doesn't even know that I existed."

Lyanna:" The whole human species doesn't know we exist." Lyanna flipped her hair in swag.

Mike :" Do u matters?". He asked raising his brow.

Yn :" Gosh....u guys are dramatic. Fine I agree that it doesn't matter. But how will I go there. It's not that easy like going to the market nearby."

Lily was sitting silently. She was thinking of something. She held yn's hand gaining attention of everyone.

Lily :" Have u heard of teleport."

Yn went lil more closer to her indicating her curiosity.

Yn :" U are a sorcerers ... so u can do it right? ...can u ."

Lily :" I could have ...but now ....its been a long time I haven't gone these things. So I don't know. But if u want I can try it for u."

Mike :" It might be dangerous for her....cuz she is not dead completely. I mean ...her body is still breathing."

Lyanna:" I agree with him. It might be lil out of box to do."

Yn :" Why is it dangerous? " Yn asked them show doe eyes. She was looking like a lost puppy wanting to be adopted.

Mike sighed:" its dangerous cuz ....we don't know the side effects applied on a soul. The effects are different for everyone. For humans......for ghost.... they vary for every one. And for a soul out of body ....."

Lily :" It haven't tested till now."

Lyanna :" Don't lie to her.....we are not supposed to lie ...u know that right."

Lily :" I'm not.....lying. The condition was different there."

Lily paused. She was looking at yn.

Lily :" Yn .....u remind me of my sister. I want to fulfill your wish......but same time I can't be selfish to make your wish true."

Lily softly pressed her hand. Staring into her eyes.

Lily :" Now listen carefully. Once a girl came to me ...she was also in the same state. But she was married and had a child. She wanted me to teleport her back into her body. And I tried my best in it.....ofc it succeed and she got back to her body . But.."

Yn :" But....but what ..." yn became so anxious to know what happened after it.

Lyanna :" but her body was not able to tolerate it. The same thing happens when a ghost try to get into a human being. It lows it's own existence. In her case was her own body but it entered without any info. The brain can't cooperate with soul and mind can't cooperate with body conditions."

Yn :" Wait.............."

Yn :" Are u saying......she died.??".

Yn gulped just by imagining the things.
She didn't want to try something which will cost her life. She was looking down at ground not knowing what to do.

Mike :" We should stop the discussion here."

Lyanna :" But-"

Mike :" No buts....can't u see she is scared already." Anger was purely visible in his voice.

Yn :" I ......I agree with Mike. Let's not do anything stupid for now".

Yn got up and went back to the backyard.

Yn's pov

Why my life is getting more and more complicated by time. I don't own anything now....not even my own body. Why was I always running. I don't know. Why was I always so tensed all the time . ....just to roam like a nobody.

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