Chapter: 15

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The whole night went with her thoughts roaming around the room with her.

At Morning

Morning ray and birds chirping sounds made Jimin wake.

He found Yn standing on the balcony, lost in her own thoughts. Without disturbing her with a thought of sneaking up behind her. He quietly approached, his steps as silent as the morning breeze. Standing behind her, he fought the urge to wrap his arms around her in a comforting way, though it wasn't easy. His heart longed to hold her close, to feel the warmth of her presence, but he resisted, savoring the quiet moment shared between them.

As Jimin approached YN standing on the balcony, he couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions swirling within him. Seeing her lost in her thoughts, bathed in the soft morning light, stirred something deep within his heart. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to break the silence that enveloped them like a cocoon. But then, unable to resist any longer, he took a small step closer, the distance between them shrinking infinitesimally.

Yn remained unaware of his presence, lost in her own world of thoughts. Jimin's gaze softened as he watched her, his mind filled with a kaleidoscope of emotions. He yearned to wrap his arms around her, to offer her the comfort and reassurance she might need.

Yet, something held him back-a fear of crossing a boundary, of intruding into her private space uninvited. He wrestled with his conflicting desires, torn between the urge to hold her close and the need to respect her autonomy.

He resisted his strong urge to wrap his arms around her, knowing that she needed her space, yet the desire to comfort her tugged at his heartstrings. With each step closer, he felt the warmth of her presence enveloping him, filling him with a sense of longing and tenderness.

Standing behind her, Jimin hesitated for a moment, his heart racing as he battled with his own emotions. He longed to offer her solace, to let her know that she was not alone in her pain.

With a deep breath, Jimin reached out tentatively, placing a gentle hand on YN's shoulder. "YN," he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you okay?"

YN startled slightly at the sound of his voice, her thoughts momentarily interrupted by his presence. She turned to face him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and gratitude.

"I'm... I'm okay," she replied, her voice trembling slightly. "Just... lost in my thoughts, I guess."

Jimin nodded understandingly, offering her a reassuring smile. "I'm here for you, YN," he said sincerely. "Whenever you need someone to talk to, I'll be right here."

For a moment, they simply gazed at each other, a silent understanding passing between them. And then, as if drawn together by an invisible force, Jimin pulled her into a tender embrace, his arms wrapping around her waist as he held her close.

Yn melted into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against hers, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoing her own. In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, connected by an unspoken bond that transcended words.

Yn's heart raced as she felt the warmth of Jimin's breath tingling against her neck. Slowly her pulse quickening with each passing second. When her eyes met his, he was standing dangerously close to her, mere inches away. Time seemed to stand still as she struggled to catch her breath, the tension between them palpable in the air.

Jimin's presence beside her was both comforting and disconcerting, his proximity stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her. She could feel the warmth of his body radiating against her own, his closeness both exhilarating and intimidating.

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