Chapter: 12

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Yn :" Its not about hesitating or feeling awkward. Even if I want to ...I can't . Because I'm a soul who came out of her body......that body whose heart is beating, blood is pumping and is breathing. I'm a wandering soul who is stuck between life and death. And I don't know who to go back ".

Jimin looked at Yn with a mixture of curiosity and concern: "That's quite a profound revelation. Is there anything I can do to help or support you on this journey between life and death?"

Yn sighed: "I appreciate your understanding, Jimin, but it's a path I must navigate on my own. I just wish I knew where to go or how to find my way back. I just wish I knew where to go or how to reunite with my body."

Jimin nodded empathetically: "If you ever need someone to talk to or accompany you through this journey, I'm here. Sometimes, a companion can make the unknown a bit less daunting."

Jimin gently held Yn's hand: "You're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together, even if it means defying the boundaries between life and death."

Their hands intertwined, creating a comforting warmth.

Jimin whispered: "Even if you're a wandering soul, you've found a place in my heart. We'll face the mysteries together, and I'll be by your side, no matter where this journey takes us."

Yn knew he was trying to make her feel better and ofc it was working.
Yn's eyes reflected gratitude: "Thank you, Jimin. Maybe, in this uncertainty, we've discovered a connection that defies the boundaries of life and death."
Their shared gaze held a promise of support and safe.

Yn gave Jimin a playful smile: "Well, if I have a handsome guide like you, maybe the journey between life and death won't be so bad after all."

Jimin grinned: "Consider me your otherworldly companion, ready to charm even the spirits for you."

Yn chuckled: "Who knew being stuck
between realms could have its perks?"

Jimin replied with a smirk: "Maybe it's a chance for us to create a love story that transcends the boundaries of life and death."

Yn started to feel burning sensation in her cheeks. She was conformed that she was blushing mess. Their banter took a flirtatious turn, blending the mysterious with a touch of romance.

Yn managed a faint smile :"Navigating the realms of life and death might be easier with a charming companion like you by my side."

Jimin grinned : "Well, they say love can conquer all, even the boundaries between the living and the departed. Maybe we'll write a new chapter in the book of together." He winked at her saying this.

Yn chuckled:"Who knew flirting with my bias could be this intriguing?"

Jimin playfully responded: "Flirting with a fan? Now that's a plot twist. But who said biases can't enjoy some ghostly banter?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow: "Well, I must say, it's a first for me. How did I become your bias ?"

Yn grinned: "Your charisma transcends realms, Jimin. Even ghosts have biases, and you happen to be mine."

Jimin chuckled: "I guess the charm doesn't stop, whether you're a K-pop idol or a ghostly companion."

Jimin smirked: "Alright, I'm curious. What made you a fan ? Was it the dance moves, the vocals, or perhaps my charming presence?"

Yn laughed: "Well, your stage presence is impressive, but I must admit, your charming personality is what sealed the deal."

Jimin pretended to be offended, "Are you telling me my dancing doesn't translate well into your heart ?"

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