Chapter: 13

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Ray of light fell on jimin's eyes making him wake from his beauty sleep. He slowly opened his eyes , blinking multiple times to adjust the light. He started looking around in amusement. He was lying in bed, covered in blanket.

Jimin's pov

I remember yesterday I had my shoes on and was sitting in edge of bed. I was talking to yn all night. But when I fell into sleep and where is she. Did she go already. I felt unease thinking of her leaving. 'Wait
Don't u think it's so soon to think like that's. Jimin don't you think its nonsense what you are feeling. You should be more mature.......*silence for a minute * ..

'Fuck maturity, I need to find her. What if she really left.' I hurriedly got up from bed only to get blanket stuck in my toe and *boom* I fell with a huge tug sound. I growled in pain. Why the fuck it always happens to me only.

Before I could do anything , the room door opened wide revealing every single members. Everyone with wide eyes, all eyes on me. I went back to concentrate what I was doing, to remove the knot from my toe. But the scene of all looking at me reply in my mind . And the pair of eyes which were familiar to me. In a swift of moment I looked up and witnessed her near me.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh goddddddd.....why she is looking like this. I feel myself turning tomato . Shit I embarrassed myself in front of her. I came out of my thoughts hearing laughing voice.

Both my and yn's head turned towards the members. Jungkookie was the one to start and others continued. I looked at yn who was standing near them. She also started to giggle with them. Oh my heartu....I can feel it pumping hard in my chest. Girl don't do it will come out of ribs.

Jimin:" yah......I fell because u .....don't laugh."

Everyone including yn frowned at their place. Yn was blinking continuously having no idea of what I said. I laughed awkwardly seeing everyone's reaction. Seven of them having their own seven reaction.

Jhope :" Mind to explain?"

'Oh shit...what will I say now....that I was going to search a girl who is only visible to me'

Yn controlling her laugh:"Yes jimin....hobi is asking something answer him."

Jimin smirked:"Oh that Hyung....I was coming to ask where is yeotan. I wanted to play with him."

Yn's eye widened:"No't do that".

Tae:" Seems fake but ok."

Jk :" he is in my room if u want I can bring him."

Hearing Kookie's words yn shouted:" NOOOOOOO."

Seeing her shout I could resist anymore , eventually I burst into laughing. Oh god .....I can't . Here I'm sitting in the ground and laughing mess and everyone is looking at me with wide eyes. But I do care less about them.

Suddenly jin came near me and sit on the ground, touching my forehead. I looked him blankly.

Jin :" Are u having fever? Or did u drink last night? Are u high?"

I couldn't control so I again started to laugh.

They all came along and sat on the ground.

Namjoon:" I don't know why u are laughing and why so suddenly happy. But I'm glad that u are smiling. And I wish that reason will stay with u".

Hearing namjoon, I looked at yn and found her eyes already on me, which gave me butterflies till my core.

She is just not looking but adoring us. Her eyes is filled with love and gratitude for us.
I slowly signalled her to come near but she denied.

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