Chapter : 25

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Jimin watched YN as they rested on the couch, her smile lighting up the room. He couldn't deny the rush of emotions he felt whenever they were together like this—dancing, laughing, simply enjoying each other's company. His heart beat faster whenever she was near, and he couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in his stomach.

As they caught their breath, Jimin couldn't resist stealing glances at YN. He admired her determination, her infectious laughter, and the way she focused on learning each dance move. Her genuine curiosity about his life and work endeared her to him even more.

"Hey, Jimin," YN said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence. "What's your favorite part about being on stage?"

Jimin blinked, momentarily caught off guard by the question. He gathered his thoughts, trying to push aside the rush of emotions. "It's... the connection with the fans," he replied, his voice soft but earnest. "When I'm up there, performing for them, and I see their faces light up... it's the best feeling in the world. It's like we're sharing something special, even if it's just for a moment."

YN nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing her features. "I can imagine that must be incredible. To know you're making a difference in so many people's lives."

Jimin smiled warmly, touched by her understanding. "Exactly. And having you here, experiencing this with us... it adds another layer of joy to it all."

YN blushed slightly at his words, feeling a warmth spread through her. She glanced at Jimin, catching his gaze, and for a moment, their eyes locked. There was something in his expression, a depth of emotion she couldn't quite decipher.

Unsure of how to respond, YN turned away slightly, trying to gather her thoughts. Meanwhile, Jimin's mind raced. He wanted to tell her how he felt, how much he enjoyed her company and how her presence made everything more vibrant. But he held back, unsure if now was the right time.

Jimin glanced at YN, his heart racing. The idea of a couple dance crossed his mind, and the thought of being close to her made butterflies flutter in his stomach. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "Hey, YN, how about we try a couple dance?

Instead, he offered her a playful grin. "Hey, since we're on a roll with dancing, how about we try a couple dance move?"

YN's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "A couple dance? That sounds amazing, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."

Jimin smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll guide you through it. Just follow my lead."

Jimin stood up, his heart still pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Jimin smiled, his heart pounding a bit harder. " Let's start with something simple." He walked over to his phone and selected a slow, romantic song. As the music began to play, he turned back to YN, Taking a deep breath, he extended his hand to YN. She hesitated briefly before placing her hand in his, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through him.  He guided her to the center of the room, positioning her hands correctly—one on his shoulder, the other in his hand. He placed his free hand gently on her waist, trying to ignore the rapid beating of his heart.

"Let's start with a basic waltz step," Jimin said, positioning YN’s hand on his shoulder while he placed his hand on her waist. "Just step forward with your left foot, and I'll step back with my right."

"Just follow my lead," he said softly, looking into her eyes. They started to move together, swaying gently to the music. The closeness made Jimin acutely aware of every little detail—her warmth, her scent, the way she looked up at him with trust and admiration.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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