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Five hours early...

"I told you to go left, and I would go
right! Ugh!"

Soobin cringed as his friend, Beomgyu
screamed at him for causing their team to die in a game. He grabbed one of the headphone speakers away from his ear, trying to save his eardrums in the process, "Yeah, yeah. New game."

"I'm not playing with you. You're shit
at this!" Soobin could hear Beomgyu
smashing something through the
voicechat, he could only roll his eyes. It was just a game.

"Who cares? This is lame anyway,
Taehyun had said. Another friend of

Soobin found himself unable to contradict Taehyun's opinion. The trio frequently engaged in playing Valorant, to the extent that it became boring and unexciting. They had exhausted almost every combat game available, and no fresh releases were on the horizon. Activities that were once enjoyable now felt like a tedious chore.

"Y'all wanna go to the arcade?"
Taehyun suggested.

That's not a bad idea, Soobin thought.

"Didn't we go, like, last week?"
Beomgyu sounded like he was eating

"Ew, don't talk with your mouth full,"
Taehyun said, repulsed at the sound
of his chewing. Which only made
Beomgyu chews more intensely through the voicechat.

"Fine. You can stay home, then," Soobin said.

And that's how he ended up at the

Taehyun and Beomgyu were battling
each other at the shooting range
Whoever hit the most targets won
easy enough. Beomgyu may have
complained about the arcade also
being "boring," but he ended up begging to come as well.

Soobin could only laugh at his friends
silly competitiveness. The three had
been best friends since childhood,
which made their bond quite
unbreakable. At least, that's what it felt like.

"Ooh, ooh!"

"Get it!"

"You're missing!"

"Get on my level."

"Shoot it!"

"Yuh. Get on my level."

"It's right there!"

"Y'all can't beat this!" Beomgyu
gestured to himself.

All three of them were laughing as if they had all the time in the world to spare. Following their enjoyable experience at the arcade, Soobin proposed the idea of proceeding to the food court.

They played rock, paper, and scissors to see who would be the one to pay. Taehyun lost. Figures.

While Taehyun stood in line for
Panda Express, Beomgyu leaned and
whispered to Soobin, "Hey, how's your sister?"

Soobin swatted him away, "What about her?"

Beomgyu shrugged. He seemed to have a solemn expression, "Just wondering. You said she got a new guy, right?"

My Sister's Boyfriend | YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now