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Lately, Soobin has been spending a significant amount of time with Huening Kai, which has caused Yeonjun to develop a strong dislike towards this friendship.

Whenever Yeonjun asks to hang out with Soobin, he is met with disappointment as Soobin consistently responds with either, "Sorry, I'm busy," or "I have plans with Huening Kai."

"Soobin wanna hang out today?" Yeonjun asked. This was the 3rd time he asked Soobin the same question this week.

"Sorry hyung, i-" Soobin was cutoff.

"What? you're busy again?" Yeonjun asked.

Hesitantly, Soobin responded, "Yeah, I have some work I have to do. Maybe Saturday!"

Yeonjun sighed, "Okay." Call ended.

Yeonjun continued eating his noodles until his phone started ringing again. He picked it up and saw that it was Kara.

"Hello?" Yeonjun started.

"Yeonjun! Are you busy?" Kara asked.

"No, but can I come over?"

"Yes, that's what I wanted to ask you anyway. My dad is finally home from his trip. He wanted to meet you." She explained.

"Oh, okay, I'll get ready then."

After the call with Kara ended, Yeonjun walked over to the sink and placed his bowl inside. He then made his way to his room, fully aware of the importance of looking his absolute best for Kara's dad.

With determination in his eyes, he began looking through his closet, searching for the perfect outfit that would make a good impression. He picked multiple outfits, but after a while, he finally found a good one. He stood at his mirror, satisfied with his choice. Before leaving his room, he sprayed on a touch of cologne to make sure he smelled good.

"Okay, I'm ready. Bye, mom!" He yelled and left the house.


"Mom, I don't understand why I need to bring Huening Kai, I'm not even dating him!" Soobin complained.

"Watch your tone, Choi Soobin." His mom said, wiping the counter tops.

"I just don't get it. What's the point if I'm not even dating him." Soobin folded his arms across his chest, not out of any dislike towards Huening Kai, but simply because he couldn't see the necessity of his father meeting with him.

"Well, you went on a date with him. Besides, he's a new friend if yours anyway. Your dad should meet him."

"You went on a date?!" His dad said, pausing his show.

Soobin rolled his eyes, "Not even."

Ding dong

Soobin stopped what he was doing and went to the door. "Hey Huening." He greeted

"Hi Soobin." Huening blushed.

Soobin shut the door and returned to the task of washing the dishes, while Huening Kai prepared to follow him. However, his progress was halted by the sight of Soobin's father standing before him. "Are you the young man that is dating my son?" He asked. He knew that he wasn't, but he had to make sure. Sometimes Soobin could be a liar.

Huening Kai chuckled nervously, "Ha, N-no, you got it wrong, we are just friends, Mr. Choi."

"Dad, stop scaring him." Kara said and pulled Huening to the kitchen. "Sorry, he's always like that when he meets new people." She whispered.

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